Cinderella 2000 Blu-ray Movie


Cinderella 2000 Blu-ray Movie United States

Severin Films | 1977 | 89 min | Rated R | No Release Date

Cinderella 2000 (Blu-ray Movie)


Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users0.0 of 50.0
Reviewer2.0 of 52.0
Overall2.0 of 52.0


Cinderella 2000 (1977)

In the year 2047, sex is forbidden and Big Brother uses robots to keep on eye on everyone. One young girl tries to outwit the government so she can be with the man she loves.

Starring: Vaughn Armstrong, Renee Harmon, Jacqueline Giroux, Angelo Rossitto
Director: Al Adamson



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
    Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1

  • Audio

    English: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono

  • Subtitles


  • Discs

    Blu-ray Disc
    Single disc (1 BD)

  • Playback

    Region A (B, C untested)


Rating summary

Movie2.0 of 52.0
Video3.5 of 53.5
Audio3.5 of 53.5
Extras2.0 of 52.0
Overall2.0 of 52.0

Cinderella 2000 Blu-ray Movie Review

Reviewed by Jeffrey Kauffman June 20, 2020

Note: This film is available as part of Al Adamson: The Masterpiece Collection.

Disc Thirteen of The Masterpiece Collection offers what is arguably a strange grab bag of a triple feature, with one fairly harmless sex comedy, one slightly more salacious but still harmless sex comedy musical, and more of a straight out supernatural horror outing.

It had been almost ten years since Barbarella blasted off in 1968 by the time Cinderella 2000 appeared in 1977, but it seems unavoidable that Adamson was trying to evoke the earlier film, though perhaps with an eye on the then much more recent box office returns of a little film called Star Wars or something. Of course, since it's Adamson, Cinderella 2000 goes considerably further than George Lucas or even Roger Vadim did, with a plot that takes place in the future where sex has been outlawed. That of course doesn't stop Cindy (Catherine Erhardt) or her version of Prince Charming (Vaughn Armstrong), not to mention any number of other couples who are fighting The Man, The Empire, or just your basic, everyday prude. Making this film all the stranger is that it's a musical, replete with several questionable song and dance interludes.

Cinderella 2000 Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  3.5 of 5

Cinderella 2000 is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Severin Films with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 2.39:1 (I believe this is probably the only Adamson film containing a "filmed in Todd-AO 35" credit). There's some minor damage in the opening moements, including some unstable frames, and there are some curious changes in color temperature that can be spotted at times, where, for example, you can see walls in the background clearly varying from an almost peachy-orange color to yellow and back again. On the whole, though, the palette pops really well, and the film's lunatic (and cheap) production design features some really bright candy colored elements that are often nicely vivid. Detail levels are generally very good, and grain looks natural and well resolved.

Cinderella 2000 Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  3.5 of 5

Cinderella 2000 features a fine sounding DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Mono track, though there is just occasional slight roughness in the midrange in some of the songs. Roscoe the Robot speaks in a kind of Chipmunk high voice and can be hard to understand at times, but otherwise dialogue is clean. Some of the lip syncing in some of the songs is almost hilariously bad. English subtitles are available via the button on your remote.

Cinderella 2000 Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  2.0 of 5

  • Partial Archival Audio Commentary with Producer / Distributor Samuel M. Sherman

  • Cinderella 2000 Trailer (480p; 2:40)

  • Radio Spot (1:00)

Cinderella 2000 Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  2.0 of 5

If you want to see a bunch of people pretending to have sex (well, I think they're pretending), with occasional song and dance numbers thrown in for good measure, Cinderella 2000 is the film for you. This offers generally solid technical merits and another enjoyable commentary from Samuel M. Sherman.