Rating summary
Movie |  | 4.0 |
Video |  | 4.5 |
Audio |  | 5.0 |
Extras |  | 3.5 |
Overall |  | 4.5 |
Wonder Woman 4K Blu-ray Movie Review
Reviewed by Martin Liebman October 5, 2018
Warner Brothers and Best Buy have collaborated on a 4K UHD exclusive SteelBook for the super-popular Superhero film 'Wonder Woman,' widely
considered the best film amongst the handful of currently released pictures in the DC Extended Universe, which began with 2013's Man of Steel. The UHD features gorgeous 4K video and a high yield
Dolby Atmos soundtrack in addition to a nice selection of extra content, all of which is identical to what can be found within the wide release packaging. See the 'Special Features and Extras' tab below for
more on this SteelBook.

For a full film review, please see Dr. Stephen Larson's writing
Wonder Woman 4K Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality 

For a full UHD video review, please click here.
Wonder Woman 4K Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality 

For a full UHD audio review, please click here.
Wonder Woman 4K Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras 

Wonder Woman's SteelBook wasn't universally well received upon release. The stylized animation featuring Wonder Woman soaring through
the air, the Lasso of Truth stretched and held in both hands, does look a little stiff, but it does isolate the character nicely against a multicolored and
layered background that transitions from a bright blue sky top-left to a more fiery looking area bottom-right. A couple of large, rectangular blocks
appear just
below the heroine's left knee and are partially obscured by the red color that carries much of the lower and right halves. A DC logo appears
far-top-left while the film's title appears bottom-center with the Wonder Woman symbol below. The rear side features several Amazonian warriors on
horseback battling a pair of gunmen. The riders appears at the top, swiftly moving right to left, while the gunmen are situated bottom-left next to
another one of the blocks seen on the front. The spine carries over the front and rear color transitions from welcoming blue and green to dangerous
yellow and red. The film's title appears in large type white lettering, covering the majority of the spine's surface area. An UltraHD logo appears at the
top while DC and WB logos are at the bottom.
Inside, the digital copy code is tucked underneath the left-hand side tabs. The UHD and Blu-ray discs are housed on the right, staggered-stacked. The
inner print leaves behind the exterior's stylized animation in favor of, on the left, an image of Wonder Woman blocking incoming fire with her bracelet
apparently during the film's premiere action sequence in and above the trenches of World War One (it's the same image that appears on the front of
the wide
release Blu-ray). On the right, the blurred background landscape continues from the left.
Wonder Woman symbol appears prominently in the center. A small credits cluster and some legalese unobtrusively appear bottom-left.
For full coverage of the on-disc supplemental content, please click here.
Wonder Woman 4K Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation 

Wonder Woman's UHD SteelBook may not be for all tastes. It does retain the animated front and rear stylings seen on other DCEU
SteelBooks. The on-disc content is wonderful. Highly recommended to fans of the film and SteelBook collectors alike.