The Enforcer Blu-ray Movie United States

The Dirty Harry Collection
Warner Bros. | 1976 | 97 min | Rated R | No Release Date

The Enforcer (Blu-ray Movie)


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 / 10

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Overall0.0 of 50.0

The Enforcer (1976)

When Detective Harry Callahan stops a liquor store hostage standoff in his own no-nonsense way, he gets busted back to personnel. But not for long. When terrorists rob an arms warehouse and go on a bloody extortion spree, San Francisco's leaders quickly seek out Callahan - <i>The Enforcer</i>. Clint Eastwood returns for his third Callahan Caper, joined this time by a new partner, Tyne Daly as Inspector Kate Moore, who has two jobs: tracking down the terrorists - and winning Harry's confidence. Stoked with brisk humour, hard-hitting mayhem and the high-impact team of Eastwood and Daly, this exciting outing carves another winning notch in the handle of Harry's .44 magnum.

Starring: Clint Eastwood, Tyne Daly, Harry Guardino, Bradford Dillman, John Mitchum
Director: James Fargo
