Doctor Strange Blu-ray Movie


Doctor Strange Blu-ray Movie United States

Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy
Disney / Buena Vista | 2016 | 115 min | Rated PG-13 | Feb 28, 2017

Doctor Strange (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: $14.99
Third party: $15.94
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Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users3.8 of 53.8
Reviewer4.0 of 54.0
Overall3.8 of 53.8


Doctor Strange (2016)

A subtly maimed surgeon finds a new life when a wizard trains him to become the new Sorcerer Supreme of Earth.

Starring: Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong, Mads Mikkelsen
Director: Scott Derrickson

Comic book84%


  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 2.39:1
    Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1

  • Audio

    English: DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
    French: Dolby Digital 5.1 (640 kbps)
    Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1 (640 kbps)

  • Subtitles

    English SDH, French, Spanish

  • Discs

    50GB Blu-ray Disc
    Two-disc set (1 BD, 1 DVD)
    Digital copy
    DVD copy

  • Packaging

    Slipcover in original pressing

  • Playback

    Region free 


Rating summary

Movie4.5 of 54.5
Video4.5 of 54.5
Audio5.0 of 55.0
Extras3.0 of 53.0
Overall4.0 of 54.0

Doctor Strange Blu-ray Movie Review

Reviewed by Martin Liebman February 18, 2017

Doctor Strange may dazzle with all sorts of world-bending, time-questioning, supernatural power-wielding mayhem, but at its core are several simple questions to ask but several difficult questions to answer: what makes a man, what defines a man's place in the world, and what are the true limitations -- better said possibilities -- of his existence? Is there something beyond the mind-body-soul trifecta, or at least a new way of knowing and understanding them and how they work individually and in a higher-plane collaboration? Can man reach beyond the known textbook and mathematical formulation limits and even the theoretical boundaries to harness a power greater than most any man has ever known and even impossible to imagine? And if so, how are these powers discovered and harnessed, and most importantly, how can they be used? Man is so set in the established routine, understanding and experiencing the linear, here-and-now life through physical qualities -- taste, sight, sound, touch -- but has only a crude understanding of what might lie beyond. Doctor Strange tells the story of a gifted surgeon stripped of his gifts and set on a path of destruction but who finds purpose, redemption, and a power far greater than his healing hands could ever offer. But with that power, as these films are so fond of saying, comes not just responsibility but a necessary use of it to defend what he already does, and will come to, hold dear.

Doctor Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) is a gifted neurosurgeon and serious narcissist. He's on the cutting edge of medicine but prefers to deal only with patients he believes he can help, not necessarily for their benefit but to pad his record and raise his stature. One day, while speeding in his car and poring over the diagnosis of his latest medical conquest, he crashes. The accident should have killed him, but he's airlifted to the hospital where he awakens battered and bruised and his hands all but shattered. His prognosis for recovery is slim, and his surgical career is all but over. In a state of despair, Strange turns to a former would-be patient whom he once turned away but eventually became miraculously healed of a debilitating injury without modern medical assistance. He learns that the man studied under the guidance of "The Ancient One" (Tilda Swinton) who takes a reluctant and doubtful Strange under her tutelage and teaches him the power of reaching beyond his physical limitations and finding healing and purpose through the mystic arts. But that's not all. Strange becomes a central figure in an inter-dimensional conflict against one of The Ancient One's pupils gone bad, Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen).

At its broadest stroke narrative, Doctor Strange is a fairly typical origins story that's occasionally reminiscent of Batman Begins. This film is a little lighter on its feet despite a more significant trekking through the human condition. Strange is a classic narcissist, self-obsessed and convinced of his invincibility. But he's broken down and built back up, literally and figuratively, in a way that's counter to his own understanding of the world and self but he finds something greater within as he accepts and harnesses something that will come to exist in harmony in his life. He's a fascinating character, perhaps more than most of his Marvel compatriots who are certainly complex characters but who, perhaps beyond Bruce Banner, don't often amount to significantly more than their powers and how they use them. Doctor Strange, on the other hand, offers a much more satisfying inner journey that's both relatable and well beyond the norms of traditional understanding. He is, in a way, the Marvel equivalent of a Jedi and the story's foundational ebbs and flows not all that dissimilar from Star Wars as it shapes the tale of those in control of a greater inner power and their choices to use it for good or for evil.

Though the movie is certainly better for its character explorations and ideas than it is its cosmetic excellence, which is substantial and integral to be sure, action does play an important driving factor in the story and offers a balance to the more thoughtful elements that shape the narrative and the character. It blends impressively staged action and unique visual effects to support and carry the picture beyond its more mentally engaging premise. The film works hard, and works wonders, to make otherwise standard battles much more visually dynamic and novel, particularly as they're shaped by the powers that the players wield, resulting in something much more visually agreeable and different than the usual barrage of explosions and crumbling buildings. The digital visuals are very well done, by-and-large seamless and, along with nicely choreographed and executed action, make the movie feel more unique than many of its peers, even as it's not at all different in terms of its core "good versus evil supported by visual effects."

Performances are terrific, too. The film is smartly cast and the leads effortlessly fall into character. Benedict Cumberbatch is obviously the star but he's also tasked with fleshing out a complex character, one whose transformation through the film -- much more of an inner transformation than an outer transformation, though, ironically, it's his quest for outer healing that makes the biggest impact on his inward well-being -- is its driving force. Cumberbatch demonstrates a positive range, maintaining those core Strange characteristics even late into the film but gradually building up a balance with his improved insight into the universe and into himself as his powers and confidence grow and his place and fate become more clear. Tilda Swinton captures an inner strength that's counter her somewhat cooler, smoother, exterior, finding a character center that's the perfect, harmonious balance of all that Strange comes to understand and embrace. Mads Mikkelsen is good as the counter villain who has lost his balance, not his powers, while both Benedict Wong and Chiwetel Ejiofor are terrific as critical support characters. With Benjamin Bratt, Rachel McAdams, and Scott Adkins in support roles, Doctor Strange boasts one of the more qualified cast sheets in any Marvel film.

Doctor Strange Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  4.5 of 5

Disney has released Doctor Strange to Blu-ray (and Blu-ray 3D) with a typically high-end 1080p transfer. The film was digitally photographed and presents with a slightly flat texturing that, coupled with the film's somewhat darker contrast, doesn't give it all that much room to sparkle. It's more or less technically sound, though, its only real issues being errant noise and slightly uneven blacks that tend to fluctuate between excess paleness and mild crush. Otherwise, the transfer appears good-to-go. The image is nicely detailed, though, again, with every passing UHD review it's becoming easier and easier to notice the unavoidable textural deficiencies of a common Blu-ray release, even one near the top-end of the what the format can offer, such as this one. That holds true here. Facial complexities are fine if not a touch smooth, with only intimate close-ups revealing very fine pores, hairs, and other attributes. Environments are nicely defined, particularly some of the old woods and bricks at Kamar-Taj. Clothing and fine object detailing is good-to-striking, with fabrics and props showing effortless complexity. As noted, the film is fairly dark, certainly not at all devoid of color but never showing a seriously bright, eye-catching palette, either. Even some of the inter-dimensional areas made up of various shades of purple and red are a little reserved but well saturated under the movie's parameters. Flesh tones hold accurate to the picture's intended appearance. When it's all said and done, Doctor Strange ranks rather high as a Blu-ray release; fans should be happy with Disney's efforts.

Doctor Strange Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  5.0 of 5

Doctor Strange features a reference-quality DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 lossless soundtrack. The presentation is first-rate, never wanting for any more power or depth. The low end is prodigious, deep and boomy and balanced to the action on the screen. It can get intense, but it can also be nuanced, pushing both extremes to compliment many of the movie's largest-scale, bending, and off-kilter action sequences. Surround engagement is regular in action, music, and atmospherics alike. Clarity is always fantastic, wether aggressive musical numbers, score, crashes, or big waves of energy. The track enjoys effortless, large-area width and depth as the entire stage is saturated with nary an audible gap to be found. Supported by well prioritized, lifelike, and center-positioned dialogue, this is everything one could want in a Superhero movie soundtrack.

Doctor Strange Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  3.0 of 5

Doctor Strange contains featurettes, deleted scenes, and a commentary track. A DVD copy of the film and a Disney digital copy are included with purchase.

  • A Strange Transformation (1080p, 9:42): A core and broad examination of the story, cast, shooting locations and sets, and crafting action, moving on to more closely cover the character's history, crafting the car crash, and Cumberbatch's preparations for the role.
  • Strange Company (1080p, 12:37): A closer look at the support characters (in the comics and in the film) and the actors who portray them. This supplement also explores Director Scott Derrickson's work and the qualities he brought to the film.
  • The Fabric of Reality (1080p, 12:32): A detailed examination of the film's costumes: construction, functionality, and staying true to the characters. It also covers set design and construction, shooting in key locations, the film's scope, filming locations, and more.
  • Across Time and Space (1080p, 13:21): Fight choreography, the blend of styles, movement art, wire work, the blend of practical and digital effects, recreating the comics' textural richness, crafting key elements, and more.
  • The Score-Cerer Supreme (1080p, 9:51): A discussion of Michael Giacchino's work on the film and the themes the music conveys and supports for the film.
  • Marvel Studios Phase 3 Exclusive Look (1080p, 7:28): A look back at the MCU's beginnings, story themes, Doctor Strange's place in it, and a look at some of the upcoming films.
  • Team Thor: Part 2 (1080p, 4:38): Thor enjoys some time away from battle.
  • Deleted & Extended Scenes (1080p, 7:52 total runtime): Strange Meets Daniel Drumm, Kaecilius Searches for Answers, The Kamar-Taj Courtyard, Making Contact, and Lost in Kathmandu.
  • Gag Reel (1080p, 4:12).
  • Audio Commentary: Director Scott Derrickson, recording a day before the film's premiere, hits all of the high notes featured in the video-based supplements but, with more time to expand, adds more color to the insights into the film, his style as a filmmaker, the MCU, and much more.

Doctor Strange Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  4.0 of 5

Doctor Strange is certainly the most fundamentally thought-provoking film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the character is an excellent example of why the Marvel films tend to click with audiences. It's more than just action-filler and special effects, offering an interesting journey through the human condition, a sensational one to be sure and one far detached from the reality that man understands, but it leaves the audience with something more than just another round of good versus evil, environmental mayhem, and special effects, even if all of those are integral to the story and one's overall enjoyment of the movie. It's a film that might require multiple viewings to truly appreciate, but it is, perhaps in its own way, the most fundamentally fascinating film of the bunch. Not the most entertaining or well put-together, but the one that just might resonate the longest. It'll be interesting to see how the character is utilized in future films and if his films can stick to the greater themes and not simply turn into a sight-and-sound extravaganza. Disney's Blu-ray is excellent, featuring high-end video, top-tier audio, and a nice assortment of extra content. Very highly recommended.