Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences Blu-ray Movie


Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences Blu-ray Movie United States

Ôkami yakuza: Tomurai ha ore ga dasu / 狼やくざ 葬いは俺が出す
Shout Factory | 1972 | No Release Date

Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences (Blu-ray Movie)


Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users0.0 of 50.0
Reviewer3.5 of 53.5
Overall3.5 of 53.5


Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences (1972)

In this sequel, Chiba is sent to prison after being betrayed by a yakuza underboss. Once out, he looks to get his revenge. Directed by Buichi Saito (Lone Wolf and Cub: Baby Cart in Peril).

Starring: Shin'ichi Chiba, Reiko Ike, Tatsuya Fuji, Ryôhei Uchida, Takashi Hio
Director: Buichi Saitô



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 2.35:1
    Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1

  • Audio

    Japanese: DTS-HD Master Audio Mono

  • Subtitles


  • Discs

    Blu-ray Disc

  • Playback

    Region A (B, C untested)


Rating summary

Movie4.0 of 54.0
Video4.0 of 54.0
Audio4.0 of 54.0
Extras1.0 of 51.0
Overall3.5 of 53.5

Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences Blu-ray Movie Review

Reviewed by Neil Lumbard September 25, 2023

Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences is the second feature-film in the Yakuza Wolf series. Following the first film, Yakuza Wolf: I Perform Murder, Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences offers Chiba fans more excitement. Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences is a Yakuza crime thriller with plenty of action-packed mayhem for action fans. Produced by the Toei Company, Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences was originally released in Japan on November 7th, 1972. Co-starring Tsunehiko Watase, Reiko Ike, Tatsuya Fuji, Mikio Narita, Asao Uchida, Ryôhei Uchida, Shinzô Hotta, and Shôki Fukae.

The hero (Shin'ichi Chiba) is on a quest filled with plenty of surprises. The journey of Chiba is one that he never expected to go on. After a villainous betrayal by his Yakuza boss, Chiba finds himself sent to prison. After being released from prison, Chiba seeks revenge against his Yakuza boss – to get back at him for the evil he committed and the horrible betrayal.

Chiba is excellent in the leading role. Chiba is the unquestionable star of the show. Fans of the actor will find the performance engaging and the action-packed fun a huge part of the experience. The actor has impressive depth for an action-performer. The cool sense of suave is something Chiba mastered as an actor and it helps to carry the performance and the production.

The cinematography by Yoshikazu Yamazawa (Bullet Train, The Golden Bat) is an excellent part of Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences. The cinematography helps to prove the film with an impressive visual style. The cinematography feels ambitious and engaging. Action fans will appreciate the style by the cinematographer.

The score composed by Taiichirô Kosugi (Adventures of Zatoichi, Escape in the Fog) is an engaging part of the production. Composer Kosugi is a talented composer and the score provides some nice elements to the production and the spectacle of it all. The film is all the more robust for action fans as a result.

Written by Ryûzô Nakanishi (Godzilla 1985, The Return of Godzilla), Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences is a decently written feature-film. The script for Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences is certainly superior to the script for the first film in the Yakuza Wolf film series, Yakuza Wolf: I Perform Murder. The script feels less dated and there are some more engaging set pieces written in to the screenplay. The end of the script is especially fun and the story helps make the film more enjoyable.

Directed by Buichi Saitô (Lone Wolf and Cub, Diamonds of the Andes), Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences offers an abundance of fun for Chiba fans. Director Saitô certainly enjoys playing in the sandbox of the action-packed film. The filmmaking has an abundance of style and this carries the film forward with a greater sense of clarity and ambition. Director Saitô also helped to bring out a good performance by Chiba and this makes the film all the more worthwhile. Even better than the first in the series.

Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  4.0 of 5

Released on Blu-ray by Shout Factory, Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences is presented in 1080p MPEG-4 AVC encoded high- definition in the theatrical aspect ratio of 2.35:1 widescreen. The high-definition presentation on the release is impressive and provides a good transfer with naturally filmic elements. The transfer retains a nice aesthetic with good detail and clarity. The presentation and encode capably handles the cinematography style and the scan is free from egregious issues with scratches, dirt, and other print deficiencies. A good encode by Shout Factory.

Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  4.0 of 5

The release is presented in Japanese DTS-HD Master Audio mono (with English subtitles). The lossless audio encoding on the release is impressive and adds to the viewing experience. The score sounds especially potent during the presentation. The music adds to the filmmaking and the encode has impressively provided the score in all its glory. Dialogue is clear and easy to understand. A solid presentation by Shout Factory.

Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  1.0 of 5

Theatrical Trailer (HD, 2:44)

Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend My Condolences Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  3.5 of 5

Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences is an entertaining actioner and the filmmaking has a lot of fun playing with the concept and the set-pieces designed for the feature-film. Chiba fans won't want to miss out. Chiba is highly engaging in the entertaining production. Yakuza Wolf 2: Extend my Condolences is superior to Yakuza Wolf: I Perform Murder. The Blu-ray release provides a solid high-definition video presentation and lossless audio. Recommended.

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