Volver Blu-ray Movie


Volver Blu-ray Movie United States

Sony Pictures | 2006 | 121 min | Rated R | Apr 03, 2007

Volver (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: $27.85
Third party: $35.00
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Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users4.3 of 54.3
Reviewer3.5 of 53.5
Overall4.0 of 54.0


Volver (2006)

Set in Spain, this is a generational story of three women: a good mother who is desperately in love with a man who is far from being a saint; a young mother carrying a hard life upon her shoulders; and an illegal hairdresser whose shop is the meeting point for all the neighborhood gossips.

Starring: Penélope Cruz, Carmen Maura, Lola Dueñas, Blanca Portillo, Yohana Cobo
Director: Pedro Almodóvar

Dark humor7%


  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-2
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 2.35:1
    Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1

  • Audio

    Spanish: LPCM 5.1
    Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1

  • Subtitles

    English, English SDH

  • Discs

    50GB Blu-ray Disc
    Single disc (1 BD)

  • Playback

    Region A (locked)


Rating summary

Movie4.0 of 54.0
Video4.5 of 54.5
Audio3.5 of 53.5
Extras2.5 of 52.5
Overall3.5 of 53.5

Volver Blu-ray Movie Review

'Volver' offers viewers a great movie and wonderful picture quality.

Reviewed by Martin Liebman August 8, 2008

I'll stay as long as God wills, if you don't mind.

"Volver" is a Spanish verb that, translated into English, means "to return." A most fitting title, Volver is a film about just that and so much more. It is a story of returning to confront the past, of healing wounds, of the bonds of family, and of the importance of friendship in the face of even the harshest of circumstances. Volver is also a return to fundamental storytelling, a movie that offers a deliberately slow pace and focuses on characterization, dialogue, and basic visuals to weave its tale rather than on bombastic sound, fancy special effects, and hyper editing. The film is a character study and reminded me of Rushmore, a film that, like this one, takes its time developing characters, setting its plot, and allowing the story to flow at its own pace and in its own time, focusing on extraordinary characters and combining witty dialogue and shots with a more serious, important theme. The stories don't parallel, but the style of filmmaking does. Volver's strengths lie in its performers and the characters they portray. They and the story are, smartly, the sole focus of the film. Director Pedro Almodóvar rarely does more than point his camera where he wants his actors and never interferes with the story by imposing awkward shots, quick edits, or quirky angles to interfere with the enjoyment of the character development and settings. Sometimes less is more, in the case of directing a character study with a top-flight cast, that's exactly what works and why both Almodóvar's direction and his film Volver work so well.

¡Queremos que compres 'Volver' en Blu-ray!

Volver features a central story line that sometimes feels hindered by various side stories. Although each is consequential to the plot, there is quite a bit going on that requires the audience's utmost attention. Raimunda (Penélope Cruz, Sahara) and her sister Sole (Lola Dueñas) are coping with the death of their mother who perished in a fire. After visiting her gravesite, the sisters pay a visit to their old, seemingly senile aunt who makes an odd claim that her sister (the sister's deceased mother) is helping her around the house. She refuses to move to an assisted living home, but the sister's minds are eased when their aunt's neighbor, Agustina (Blanca Portillo) agrees to look in on her everyday. Upon returning to Madrid, Raimunda's daughter Paula (Yohana Cobo) murders her father after a molestation attempt. She and her mother cover up the death and hide the body in the freezer of a restaurant Raimunda is looking after. Later, Raimunda and Sole's aunt dies, and their deceased mother, Irene (Carmen Maura), appears before Sole. Taking her in and keeping her hidden from the world, Sole and Irene set out to prepare Raimunda for the shock that her mother has returned to reconcile her past (as well those of all of the film's central characters) and brighten her family's future.

Volver has all the earmarks of a midday soap opera but both the actors and the smart, tight script elevate the material several notches, weaving a mysterious, entertaining, enlightening, and touching story. What makes Volver stand out is the way the film handles its story. It's an odd melodrama with hints of the bizarre, the paranormal, and the morbid, but the bright backdrops against which the film is set, the lively characters, the smart, sometimes witty dialogue, and the subtle hints the film leaves in its wake make it oddly compelling, even if parts of the material may be better suited to daytime television. The film is a success thanks to its approach. While it could have comfortably settled into the realm of over-the-top shenanigans, overly dramatic and insincere acting, and flashy direction for the sake of being flashy, the entirety of the movie, down to every last color seen on-screen, line of dialogue uttered, and every subtle camera movement and meticulous placement adds a sense of not only professionalism, but also and more importantly, heart, to the proceedings. Penélope Cruz is a standout in the film (and she was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar for this role) and the steady, mesmerizing direction for Pedro Almodóvar never interferes with her performance. Volver isn't the kind of movie you pop in for a Saturday night popcorn party, but given the proper attention, setting, and mood of the audience, Volver is a film you'll want to return to time and again.

Volver Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  4.5 of 5

Volver's 2.35:1 framed, 1080p high definition transfer will often have you returning to this transfer to lose yourself in its beautiful presentation. Striking, realistic colors are apparent from the opening moments of the film. The purple sweater Raimunda wears not only has a natural, vibrant color, but the detail in it is extraordinary as each and every thread is clearly reproduced and visible on the disc. In fact, colors are vibrant and pleasing throughout. Various indoor shots feature a striking array of colors, from curtains to tile, and everything stands out as ornate and beautiful. Likewise, paper towels that soak up the blood of Raimunda's murdered husband feature a wonderfully realistic texture, and the blood looks surprisingly real. The image is crisp, well-defined, and sharp. Black levels are fine, and flesh tones appear natural. I saw one instance of edge enhancement on one of the foreground power line towers in chapter two as the family drives through a windmill farm; granted, this is so minimal it is hardly worth mentioning, save to emphasize the perfection otherwise noted throughout the film. Volver is another great looking title from Sony, and the rich colors strewn throughout the film that look so marvelous make this disc demonstration-worthy material.

Volver Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  3.5 of 5

Volver provides listeners with only two soundtrack options, both of which feature the film's original Spanish language track, one in Dolby Digital 5.1 and the other in an uncompressed PCM 5.1 offering. English SDH and standard English subtitles are available to assist listeners who do no not speak Spanish. The uncompressed soundtrack is just fine, but is generally uninteresting. Dialogue is always crisp, but in a movie like this it is sometimes hard to fine-tune your ear to the track as half your brain is tied up in reading the subtitled translation rather than focusing completely on the voices of the characters. Still, there is no denying that this aspect of the disc is strong. The opening sequence in a cemetery features a stiff wind that comes through well, filling the listening area and creating the illusion of a breeze blowing through your room. Generally, however, the track is front and dialogue heavy, offering limited range and effects in either the front left and right speakers, or the rear channels. A few effects sound canned and unnatural, like they are being artificially forced onto the soundtrack rather than coming across as natural and realistic (the multiple cheek kisses shared by the characters is a good example). Volver is a dialogue-driven drama and, as such, the audio presentation is fine. It's bland and boring, but it fits the tone of the movie well.

Volver Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  2.5 of 5

This Blu-ray edition of Volver offers viewers minimal supplements. First is a commentary track with director Pedro Almodóvar and Penélope Cruz. The track is in Spanish with English subtitles, but don't let that keep you from giving it a listen. The track helps viewers tie the movie together and better understand the various themes seen in the movie. If you loved the movie, this track is essential listening. Five featurettes are next. Making of 'Volver' (480p, 7:56) is an odd piece. Not a word is uttered throughout the piece until the final few seconds, save for a segment that features Penélope Cruz singing the film's theme song. It is simply a series of video clips that chronicle the making of the movie. Interview With Pedro Almodóvar (480p, 10:06) features questions in English and responses from the director in Spanish with subtitles. He discusses the personal nature of the film, how it fits into his canon, and more. Interview with Penélope Cruz (480p, 5:25) is completely in English. Cruz discusses living her dream of working with director Pedro Almodóvar and why the film has universal appeal, among other things. Interview With Carmen Maura (480p, 8:19) delves into the satisfaction of working with Pedro Almodóvar, the themes of the film and its foundation in reality, and more. Again, questions are asked in English and responses are given in Spanish. Tribute to Penélope Cruz (480p, 18:11) is an AFI interview with Kenneth Turan that runs the gamut of basic questions the actress has probably answered 1,000 times before. Rounding out the supplements are a photo gallery, a Sony Blu-ray promotional montage, and 1080p trailers for Curse of the Golden Flower, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Kung Fu Hustle, Running With Scissors, Stranger Than Fiction, Catch and Release, and The Pursuit of Happyness.

Volver Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  3.5 of 5

Volver is a solid movie with themes and ideas that are fresh and refreshing. The movie features honest acting, very good direction, likable characters, and a sincerity that is rarely found in cinema anymore. The movie is not for everyone, and is certainly not for every mood, but should you find yourself yearning for a modern cinema treasure, give Volver a chance. It just might be a film you keep coming back to over the years. This Blu-ray edition of Volver is the best way to see it anytime in your home theater. It offers a beautiful and lively transfer, a solid but unremarkable listening experience, and a paltry helping of supplements. Volver is a film worth watching, but newcomers to the movie might be better suited to rent it before making a decision to purchase. Established fans of the film can feel confident in their purchase. Recommended.

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Volver: Other Editions