Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D Blu-ray Movie


Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D Blu-ray Movie United States

IMAX / Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray
Image Entertainment | 2000 | 37 min | Not rated | Mar 29, 2011

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: $16.47
Third party: $28.68
Listed on Amazon marketplace
Buy Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D on Blu-ray Movie

Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users2.5 of 52.5
Reviewer3.5 of 53.5
Overall2.9 of 52.9


Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D (2000)

In 3-D, "Ultimate G's" has some pretty cool flying sequences, with the 3-D effect of watching planes flying in the air.

Starring: Michael Cera
Director: Keith Melton



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 MVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
    Original aspect ratio: 1.78:1

  • Audio

    English: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
    French: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1

  • Subtitles


  • Discs

    25GB Blu-ray Disc
    Single disc (1 BD)
    Blu-ray 3D

  • Playback

    Region free 


Rating summary

Movie3.5 of 53.5
Video3.5 of 53.5
Audio4.5 of 54.5
Extras0.0 of 50.0
Overall3.5 of 53.5

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D Blu-ray Movie Review

There's not much to it but a fair bit of enthusiasm and heart.

Reviewed by Martin Liebman March 22, 2011

We've got to let him spread his wings a little bit.

Man has always wanted to achieve heights greater than his body or, in this case, gravity, allows. Fortunately, he has the mind to accomplish tasks, solve problems, and create better and more efficient ways of doing things that are otherwise difficult or impossible thanks to the physical limitations of the species and the world in which he lives. Man's problem-solving skills may be honed by textbooks -- learning from the works and experiences of others -- but it's his ability to dream; to envision an accomplished task; to imagine an easier way of doing something; and to yearn for a life made easier through rearranging general elements A, B, and C to to form a unique result; that drives innovation, invention, new technologies, and the formation of things that defy the limitations of human nature. Whether man's dreams lead to cures for diseases, new ways to make money, travel faster, or soar through the clouds, it's that dream and the resultant desire that make things happen. Technology does not progress and inventions do not get made through magic dust, nor do they grow on trees. They begin as a dream, fermenting in the mind, and man uses both his skills and builds on the works and experiences of others to make his dreams a reality. In Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream, a young boy's dream to fly leads him to sharpen his mind by using what's available to him to try and build a machine capable of allowing him to fly. Ultimately, his dreams and hard work pay off through a life dedicated to aviation. It's a story about living a dream and man's ability to aspire to heights that otherwise appear impossible and improbable but that become reality thanks to ingenuity, persistence, and the never-ending dream.

A boy and his dreams.

Young Zac (Michael Cera, Year One) just wants to fly. He's obsessed with building some contraption that will get him off the ground, no matter the risks to his personal safety. His best friend Laura (Emma Campbell) is his partner in crime, lending her technical expertise and emotional support to each of Zac's projects. Zac's mother is worried for his safety, but his father is a little more understanding. When Zac crashes a bicycle/glider hybrid, his father sits him down and teaches him the real nuts and bolts behind the science of aviation. All grown up, Zac has become a pilot and Laura an expert mechanic. Zac gives Laura flying lessons, but their relationship is strained when an Air Force jock and one of Zac's childhood menaces, Carl (Frayne McCarthy), shows up for an aerial challenge to prove who amongst them is the best pilot.

Generally, Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D is another outstanding IMAX title; it's big, electric, and features some innovative and visually impressive 3D visuals. The aerial 3D footage is spectacular; whether shots from inside the cockpit or taken from another aircraft flying alongside the planes, the film does a fantastic job of bringing the audience to the brink of the skies and as close to the action as is currently possible. Additionally, it's a bit different than the traditional "infotainment" sort of films that usually find their way into IMAX theaters. Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D is not really an Aerial Documentary but instead a compact little movie about a young boy who dreams of flying in his youth and the fulfillment of that dream in adulthood. The film builds a nice little narrative that's almost painfully simplistic; it's developed only as far as it needs to be and it works well enough as a standalone story, but what's here is certainly good enough to serve as the plot for a feature-length picture. Though it might be short in length, there's just enough heartfelt honesty, drama, and even a bit of movie magic worked in to make this a surprising little picture, one that comes not necessarily as expected, but instead as a welcome experience away from more traditional documentary fare.

Where Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D falters is in the stiffness of the performances and the emptiness of the writing. The film stars a very young Michael Cera who does a fair job in playing a wide-eyed young boy with a dream as big as the sky, but the performances in general play as fairly stilted and forced. Part of the blame, it would seem, comes from a script limited by time constraints. At well under 40 minutes, Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D barely has room to stretch, let alone spread its wings; only the most basic of dialogue and character interaction come into play. With that in mind, it's hard to pinpoint whether Director Keith Melton's film wants to tell a story or show off some impressive visuals. While both are quite good, the story has little time to develop and the visuals, too, could use some more breathing room and a bit less in the way of sheer repetitiveness. Still, the movie is quite fun; the story manages to create a fair bit of emotion and its rooting in an honest feel-good heart and soul is evident. The theme of living dreams -- more than one, in fact, but best to leave the second a surprise -- is well-represented even through the condensed runtime and flat characters. It's a good, well-meaning movie that could have been more, but as it is, Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D is well worth a watch.

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  3.5 of 5

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D has something of a worn and dated appearance about it, but the film still looks quite good, and the 3D elements are in excellent shape. As to the boring stuff first, this IMAX picture reveals fair detailing across the board, but it's not nearly as crisp and defined as the best 3D images, particularly those of a more recent vintage. In fact, several scenes appear downright soft, but general detailing is adequate, whether various terrains around Zac's childhood house, skin textures, or general odds and ends seen throughout the movie. Colors take on a slightly dulled appearance; this picture is anything but vibrant, but brighter hues such as greens and the colors of fall foliage hold up well enough, while the more earth-flavored colors of the Grand Canyon area can look quite handsome. The image sports average blacks and honest flesh tones. Image Entertainment's 1080p transfer offers a fair film-like texture. The usual 2D-style attributes are in fair shape, but the transfer really shines in 3D content delivery.

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D features a practically seamless 3D presentation. The image is occasionally accompanied by a bit of "ghosting"-like shadows and characters sometimes appear unnaturally vertically stretched, but the general appearance is otherwise up to par. The image yields a natural sense of depth; objects are wonderfully spaced, and while there aren't many "jump out of the screen" type elements, the image handles general visuals very well. Whether a ramp meant to be used as a launching pad that seems to stretch far back into the screen or the visible spacing between airplanes and the ground or even airplanes and the sky behind them, Image Entertainment's Blu-ray 3D transfer offers up a nearly seamless sense of space. The film's opening titles are in a Superman-blue color; they don't streak onto the screen, but they do appear to hover off of it for one of the films best general 3D effects. Footage from inside the cockpits of aircraft -- whether looking at the pilot or out of the plane towards the nose as it seems to poke the back of the screen -- is also quite impressive. This isn't the best Blu-ray 3D image out there, but aviation fans will certainly enjoy what is the first movie of its kind to come to 1080p 3D.

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  4.5 of 5

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D soars onto Blu-ray with an immersive and energetic DTS-HD MA 5.1 lossless soundtrack. It's very loud, very clear, and very fun; whether dealing in ambient noises or the heft of a prop plane cutting through the sky, Image Entertainment's soundtrack handles the film's every element with ease, incorporating both the front and back channels to build a complete sonic experience. Listeners will enjoy pinpoint accuracy, sound placement, and precise movement across the soundstage; effects maneuver through the speakers naturally, and those that stay in place enjoy wonderful precision. Whether more mundane elements such as a ticking clock or bicycle tires running over gravel, or more pronounced effects like spinning propellers or the crashing of one of young Zac's flying contraptions, there's never a dull moment or one that's unclear or lacking in any way. Music is handled naturally and smoothly around the soundstage, and dialogue never misses a beat. Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D sounds wonderful on Blu-ray; this immersive lossless soundtrack is the perfect companion to the film's 3D visuals.

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  n/a of 5

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D features only a selection of trailers and BD-Live functionality.

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  3.5 of 5

Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D is something a little different than most IMAX features; rather than serve as another run-of-the-mill documentary, it's actually a condensed film that explores the power of dreams and the human determination to succeed. The acting may be a bit iffy and the film might be too short to fully explore the story, but this is a fun little picture that's full of heart and built around a perceptible honesty that more than makes up for its various shortcomings. Plus, the 3D visuals are quite good. Image Entertainment has really seized the reigns and become a leader on the Blu-ray 3D landscape. They're releasing plenty of IMAX 3D titles, and while Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D might lack the polish of the studio's other releases, the film is fine and the technical merits are certainly nothing to sneeze at. It's too bad there are no supplements, but considering the aggressive pricing, good film, fine 3D visuals, and hearty lossless soundtrack, Ultimate G's: Zac's Flying Dream 3D comes highly recommended.