The Return of Count Yorga Blu-ray Movie Germany

Die 7 Pranken des Satans
Wicked-Vision Media | 1971 | 97 min | Rated FSK-16 | Mar 16, 2018

The Return of Count Yorga (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: €16.77
Third party: €19.90
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The Return of Count Yorga (1971)

As the title suggests, the deadly Count Yorga stages a dramatic comeback for this movie, with Robert Quarry again playing the dentally challenged fiend. Moving in next to a school doesn't improve the Count's education, but it does provide him with plenty of prey in the form of students and teachers, whom he can't wait to, uh, suck up to...

Starring: Robert Quarry, Mariette Hartley, Roger Perry, Yvonne Wilder, George Macready
Director: Bob Kelljan
