The Oblong Box Blu-ray Movie Germany

Im Todesgriff der roten Maske | Limited Mediabook Edition Cover B / Blu-ray + DVD
NSM | 1969 | 96 min | Rated FSK-16 | Sep 27, 2019

The Oblong Box (Blu-ray Movie)


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Third party: €44.94
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The Oblong Box (1969)

Sir Edward Markham is the victim of a voodoo curse which has caused his face to become horribly disfigured. He is kept captive in the attic of his house by his brother Julian (Vincent Price). Sir Edward escapes, moves in with an unscrupulous doctor who hires grave robbers to steal bodies for his research, wears a red hood over his face, and kills a good number of townspeople before the surprise ending...

Starring: Vincent Price, Christopher Lee, Rupert Davies, Uta Levka, Sally Geeson
Director: Gordon Hessler
