The Missing Lynx / SOS refuge! Blu-ray Movie Canada

Bilingual / El lince perdido
Phase 4 Films | 2008 | 97 min | Not rated | Apr 26, 2011

The Missing Lynx / SOS refuge! (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: C$7.49
Third party: C$14.88
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The Missing Lynx / SOS refuge! (2008)

Follows the adventures of a group of animals in their quest to escape from being kidnapped by an unscrupulous hunter, hired by a benevolent millionaire to start a new Noah's ark. The animals will have to spoil the hunter's plan and liberate their peers from his hands.

Starring: César Sarachu, Beatriz Berciano, David Robles, Cecilia Santiago, Conchi López Rojo
Director: Raul García (I), Manuel Sicilia
