The Kiss of the Vampire Blu-ray Movie Germany

Der Kuss des Vampirs
Wicked-Vision Media | 1963 | 88 min | Rated FSK-16 | May 11, 2018

The Kiss of the Vampire (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: €22.99
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The Kiss of the Vampire (1963)

Gerald and Marianne Harcourt, are a honeymooning couple in early 20th-century Bavaria who become caught up in a vampire cult led by Dr. Ravna and his two children Carl and Sabena. The cult abducts Marianne, and contrive to make it appear that Harcourt was traveling alone and that his wife never existed. Harcourt gets help from hard-drinking savant Professor Zimmer, who lost his daughter to the cult and who finally destroys the vampires through an arcane ritual that releases a swarm of bats from hell...

Starring: Clifford Evans, Edward de Souza, Noel Willman, Jennifer Daniel, Barry Warren
Director: Don Sharp
