Rating summary
Movie | ![2.5 of 5 2.5 of 5](https://images4.static-bluray.com/rating/b5.jpg) | 2.5 |
Video | ![5.0 of 5 5.0 of 5](https://images4.static-bluray.com/rating/b10.jpg) | 5.0 |
Audio | ![5.0 of 5 5.0 of 5](https://images4.static-bluray.com/rating/b10.jpg) | 5.0 |
Extras | ![2.5 of 5 2.5 of 5](https://images4.static-bluray.com/rating/b5.jpg) | 2.5 |
Overall | ![3.0 of 5 3.0 of 5](https://images.static-bluray.com/rating/b6.jpg) | 3.0 |
The Killer's Game 4K Blu-ray Movie Review
Reviewed by Jeffrey Kauffman November 21, 2024
Lionsgate has once again partnered with Amazon to offer an exclusive SteelBook edition of a combo 4K / 1080 release. The disc contents match those
of the wide 4K release also put out by Lionsgate.
For my thoughts on the film, please head over to my
Killer's Game 4K Blu-ray review of Lionsgate's wide release.
The Killer's Game 4K Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality ![5.0 of 5](https://images4.static-bluray.com/rating/b10.jpg)
Video quality is assessed in the above linked review.
The Killer's Game 4K Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality ![5.0 of 5](https://images4.static-bluray.com/rating/b10.jpg)
Audio quality is assessed in the above linked review.
The Killer's Game 4K Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras ![2.5 of 5](https://images4.static-bluray.com/rating/b5.jpg)
On disc supplements are detailed in the above linked review. The handsomely designed SteelBook offers a deep cobalt blue coloring on the front and
rear panels, with the two central characters featured prominently, and several supporting characters dotting the background of both panels. The
interior panels can be seen in the fifth and sixth hi res photos I've uploaded to show packaging, and as usual don't offer much, but in this case maybe
more than usual. A rather neatly designed Mylar O ring "isolates" the two stars on the front cover so that only they can be seen, as shown in the sixth
and seventh photos. As usual, a digital copy is also included.
The Killer's Game 4K Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation ![3.0 of 5](https://images.static-bluray.com/rating/b6.jpg)
t's probably patently unfair to place the blame for the lackluster effect of The Killer's Game solely on Bautista's immense, hulk like shoulders,
because he is an undeniably genial presence. The writing here is simply silly a lot of the time, though at least the cartoonish array of supposed
supervillain nemeses at least are offered without any high falutin' pretense. Technical merits are first rate and the supplements enjoyable, with the
added allure of a smartly designed SteelBook for collectors of that kind of packaging, for anyone who may be considering making a purchase.