The Haunted Palace Blu-ray Movie United States

Shout Factory | 1963 | 87 min | Not rated | No Release Date

The Haunted Palace (Blu-ray Movie)


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 / 10

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Reviewer4.0 of 54.0
Overall4.0 of 54.0

The Haunted Palace (1963)

In this chilling adaptation of H.P. Lovecrafts The Case Of Charles Dexter Ward, Charles Dexter Ward travels with his wife Ann to Arkham to inspect a mansion he has inherited. The original lord of the manor was his Great Grandfather Joseph Curwen, a disciple of the devil, who placed a hideous curse on the villagers as they burned him at the stake. Slowly Ward feels the spirit of his ancestor possessing him and seeking a desperate vengeance on the descendants of those who previously thwarted his plans. Accursed mutants...evil possession...will anyone escape The Haunted Palace?

Starring: Vincent Price, Debra Paget, Lon Chaney Jr., Leo Gordon, Elisha Cook Jr.
Director: Roger Corman
