The Great Dictator Blu-ray Movie France

Le dictateur
Potemkine | 1940 | 125 min | Sep 22, 2020

The Great Dictator (Blu-ray Movie)


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Third party: €26.62
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The Great Dictator (1940)

After dedicated service in the Great War, a Jewish barber spends years in an army hospital recovering from his wounds, unaware of the simultaneous rise of fascist dictator Adenoid Hynkel and his anti-Semitic policies. When the barber, who bears a remarkable resemblance to Hynkel, returns to his quiet neighborhood, he is stunned by the brutal changes and recklessly joins a beautiful girl and her neighbors in rebelling.

Starring: Charles Chaplin, Jack Oakie, Reginald Gardiner, Henry Daniell, Billy Gilbert
Director: Charles Chaplin
