The Girl from Rio 4K Blu-ray Movie United States

Rio 70 / River 70 / Future Woman / Future Women / Mothers of America / The Seven Secrets of Sumuru / Die sieben Männer der Sumuru / 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray
Blue Underground | 1969 | 94 min | Not rated | Sep 26, 2023

The Girl from Rio 4K (Blu-ray Movie)


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 / 10

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Users3.5 of 53.5
Reviewer4.5 of 54.5
Overall3.5 of 53.5

The Girl from Rio 4K (1969)

An American playboy escapes to Rio with ten million dollars in stolen cash and becomes a target for a local crime boss as well as a megalomaniacal female criminal mastermind.

Starring: Shirley Eaton, Maria Rohm, Marta Reves, George Sanders (I), Richard Stapley
Director: Jesús Franco
