The Descent: Part 2 Blu-ray Movie United Kingdom

Pathe Distribution | 2009 | 94 min | Rated BBFC: 18 | Apr 12, 2010

The Descent: Part 2 (Blu-ray Movie)


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Overall3.5 of 53.5

The Descent: Part 2 (2009)

Traumatized, Sarah Carter emerges alone from the cave system where she confronted her darkest dread. With no rational explanation to what happened, the authorities force her back into the subterranean depths to help locate her five missing girlfriends. But as the rescue party enters further uncharted domains, flashbacks start haunting Sarah as shocking memories of the past hit home. For they are venturing into the habitat of a new tribe of Crawlers, even more viciously feral than the ones Sarah faced before.

Starring: Shauna Macdonald, Natalie Mendoza, Douglas Hodge, Krysten Cummings, Gavan O'Herlihy
Director: Jon Harris (II)
