The Crimson Cult Blu-ray Movie United States

Curse of the Crimson Altar
Kino Lorber | 1968 | 87 min | Not rated | Jul 07, 2015

The Crimson Cult (Blu-ray Movie), temporary cover art


List price: $29.95
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Overall3.9 of 53.9

The Crimson Cult (1968)

When his brother disappears, Robert Manning pays a visit to the remote country house he was last heard from. While his host is outwardly welcoming - and his niece more demonstrably so - Manning detects a feeling of menace in the air with the legend of Lavinia Morley, Black Witch of Greymarsh, hanging over everything.

Starring: Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee, Mark Eden (I), Barbara Steele, Michael Gough
Director: Vernon Sewell
