The Comfort of Strangers Blu-ray Movie


The Comfort of Strangers Blu-ray Movie United States

Criterion | 1990 | 104 min | Not rated | Aug 18, 2020

The Comfort of Strangers (Blu-ray Movie)


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Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users0.0 of 50.0
Reviewer3.0 of 53.0
Overall3.0 of 53.0


The Comfort of Strangers (1990)

A couple take a second honeymoon in Venice in an attempt to re-ignite their faltering relationship. Once there, they fall under the spell of an entrancing aristocrat and his wife, who combine hospitality with an undercurrent of malevolence.

Starring: Rupert Everett, Natasha Richardson, Helen Mirren, Christopher Walken, Manfredi Aliquo
Director: Paul Schrader



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 1.67:1
    Original aspect ratio: 1.85:1

  • Audio

    English: LPCM Mono (48kHz, 24-bit)

  • Subtitles

    English SDH

  • Discs

    Blu-ray Disc
    Single disc (1 BD)

  • Playback

    Region A (locked)


Rating summary

Movie2.0 of 52.0
Video5.0 of 55.0
Audio5.0 of 55.0
Extras4.0 of 54.0
Overall3.0 of 53.0

The Comfort of Strangers Blu-ray Movie Review

Reviewed by Dr. Svet Atanasov July 19, 2020

Paul Schrader's "The Comfort of Strangers" (1990) arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of Criterion. The supplemental features on the disc include vintage trailers; exclusive new video interviews with Christopher Walken, Natasha Richardson, Dante Spinotti, and Bill Pankow; excerpt from a vintage program with Ian McEwan; and more. The release also arrives with an illustrated leaflet featuring an essay by critic Maitland McDonagh as well technical credits. In English, with optional English SDH subtitles for the main feature. Region-A "locked".

The tourists

The Comfort of Strangers was Paul Schrader’s attempt to secure a spot amongst established European stylists like Nic Roeg and Bernardo Bertolucci. But it was destined to be a misfire because Schrader’s genes quite simply aren't the same. He sees and feels differently, which is why his early films Hardcore and American Gigolo stuck out like sore thumbs. Not convinced? Name two other films from the early ‘80s like Hardcore and American Gigolo that reach the American gutter, get a big sample of its stench, and then bounce right back up to safety. You can’t, because they don’t exist. Schrader was at his very best when he ignored all conventional red flags and just followed his instincts. But only when he did it on his turf. It is why on the other side of the Atlantic his instincts failed him -- it wasn’t his turf and he had to rely on other people to tell him how to get things right.

The location is Venice, the beautiful ancient city that a few decades earlier Roeg gradually transformed into a nightmare factory in the classic Don't Look Now. Schrader sets out to produce a very similar transformation with The Comfort of Strangers but while referencing Ian MacEwan’s popular novel and a script by Harold Pinter.

The couple in Schreider’s film is younger. His name is Colin (Rupert Everett) and her name is Mary (Natasha Richardson). They are British and are in Venice to relax, make love, and do all the other fun things that two people that genuinely care about each other would do while they are on a romantic vacation. Their love and the beauty around them frequently make them feel like they are in Paradise. One day while exploring the city they meet Robert (Christopher Walken), an eccentric foreigner who runs a small restaurant and lives in a lavish home with a spectacular view of the sea. They like the way he talks so when he invites them to have dinner with him they enthusiastically accept. Then Robert invites them to his place, and after they spend the night there on the following day meet his wife, Caroline (Helen Mirren), who has terrible back pain. Here the film switches gears. It gets a lot darker, and some of its admirers have argued goes on to deliver interesting revelations about the corrosive power of beauty, the awkward ways in which people connect, etc.

In an exclusive new audio commentary included on this release Schrader confirms the existence of the revelations, as well as all sorts of other supposedly thought-provoking themes that apparently make his film a lot more interesting than it sounds from the description above.

I have never been able to identify the revelations or the themes. I am sorry but it is the truth, and I don’t think that the film comes even remotely close to being intellectually stimulating.

Here’s the one and only deconstruction of the film that makes sense to me, which is not at all complicated. During a seemingly perfect vacation, two young lovers make some very poor decisions while pondering the future of their relationship. Then, while ignoring common sense and logic, double-down on the poor decisions. Trouble, of course, is right around the corner. Schrader and cinematographer Dante Spinotti (Heat) follow them around and do some neat things to counter the city’s timeless beauty with a very creepy atmosphere. The great maestro Angelo Badalamenti (Twin Peaks) also joins their efforts with a predictably solid chamber score.

The buildup during the first half is mostly good because for awhile it does seem like something very special is about to materialize. But it never does. Then the beauty slowly tires the eyes and it becomes painfully obvious that the film is just drifting away in a very predictable direction.

The Comfort of Strangers Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  5.0 of 5

Presented in an aspect ratio of 1.67:1, encoded with MPEG-4 AVC and granted a 1080p transfer, The Comfort of Strangers arrives on Blu-ray courtesy of Criterion.

I have two Blu-ray releases of this film in my library but we have reviewed only the Region-B release that the BFI produced in 2018. (The second release I have is from German label Koch Media). So, the previous releases are sourced from an older master that was supplied by MGM. This release is sourced from an exclusive new 4K master.

As you can tell the new master is framed in 1.67:1, not in 1.85:1, but to be honest while revisiting the film last night I could not appreciate the difference. (The 1.67:1 ratio is apparently how the creators of the film wanted the film presented). So, as far as I am concerned this is a tiny and perhaps meaningless discrepancy. However, there are variety of other improvements that are extremely easy to appreciate. First, the entire film looks very lush now and as a result practically all of the outdoor footage where there is plenty of natural light is hugely impressive. Clarity and depth, for instance, are much improved and routinely produce nuanced contrasts that the old master lacks (see screencapture #9 and compare it to the corresponding screencapture from our review of the Region-B release). The film looks a lot sharper -- not digitally sharpened -- as well, so on a larger screen the visuals have that very even and clean appearance that recent 4K masters now routinely deliver. The color scheme is different and superior as well. The primaries are far better saturated but also notably healthier, plus they are supported by great ranges of equally healthy nuances. (In native 4K the film probably looks astonishing now). Predictably, plenty of the daylight footage from the streets of Venice can look absolutely breathtaking. The nighttime material can be very impressive as well, especially in areas where the lush orange/brown and blue hues become prominent. Image stability is excellent. There are no debris, cuts, stains, damage marks, warped or torn frames to report in our review. In summary, the new 4K master offers a pretty dramatic upgrade in quality that is very, very easy to appreciate. (Note: This is a Region-A "locked" Blu-ray release. Therefore, you must have a native Region-A or Region-Free player in order to access its content).

The Comfort of Strangers Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  5.0 of 5

There is only one standard audio track on this Blu-ray release: English LPCM 1.0. Optional English SDH subtitles are provided for the main feature.

The audio is crystal clear and very nicely balanced. I did a couple of tests with the Region-B release and I can confirm that the overall stability is improved as well. In areas where Angelo Badalamenti's score becomes prominent the audio is now particularly good. There are no encoding anomalies to report.

The Comfort of Strangers Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  4.0 of 5

  • Trailers - vintage trailers for The Comfort of Strangers. In English, not subtitled. (4 min, 1080p).
  • Paul Schrader - in this new video interview, Paul Schrader recalls how he was offered the opportunity to direct The Comfort of Strangers and how the film was put together, and discusses its key themes and stylistic characteristics. There are some particularly good comments about the casting choices that were made.The interview was conducted exclusively for Criterion in 2020. In English, not subtitled. (18 min, 1080p).
  • Christopher Walken - in this new video interview, Christopher Walken discusses his contribution to The Comfort of Strangers and Paul Schrader's working methods. The actor also explains how he picked up the accent for this character, which was apparently inspired by Rossano Brazzi's. The interview was conducted exclusively for Criterion in 2020. In English, not subtitled. (6 min, 1080p).
  • Natasha Richardson - presented here is a new edit of an archival interview with Natasha Richardson which was conducted for the American Film Institute in 2001. In the interview, the actress recalls her contribution to The Comfort of Strangers as well as Paul Schrader's creative instincts and working methods. In English, not subtitled. (7 min, 1080i).
  • Dante Spinotti - in this new interview, cinematographer Dante Spinotti discusses the visual style of The Comfort of Strangers and how it is linked to the complex relationship the film explores. There are also some interesting comments about Paul Schrader's specific vision of Venice. The interview was conducted for Criterion in 2020. In English, not subtitled. (14 min, 1080p).
  • Bill Pankow - in this new interview, Bill Pankow discusses the editing of The Comfort of Strangers. The interview was conducted for Criterion in 2020. In English, not subtitled. (15 min, 1080p).
  • Ian McEwan - presented here is an excerpt from an archival episode of The South Bank Show which Ian McEwan discusses his novel The Comfort of Strangers. The episode was broadcast on November 22, 1981. In English, not subtitled. (27 min, 1080i).
  • Leaflet - an illustrated leaflet featuring an essay by critic Maitland McDonagh as well technical credits.

The Comfort of Strangers Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  3.0 of 5

My last attempt to fall in love with The Comfort of Strangers was two years ago when I learned that Paul Schrader had recorded a new audio commentary for the BFI release of his film. I imported the Region-B release, and while I found the commentary to be quite interesting, my viewing of the film produced the same disappointing experience. It is a beautiful film with a striking soundtrack from Angelo Badalamenti, but I find it way too pretentious. Criterion's upcoming release is sourced from a very solid new 4K master and features a nice selection of exclusive new interviews, so fans of The Comfort of Strangers should be very pleased with it.