State of Play Blu-ray Movie United States

Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy
Universal Studios | 2009 | 128 min | Rated PG-13 | Jun 28, 2011

State of Play (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: $12.49
Third party: $17.50
Listed on Amazon marketplace
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State of Play (2009)

Handsome, unflappable U.S. Congressman Stephen Collins is the future of his political party: an honorable appointee who serves as the chairman of a committee overseeing defense spending. All eyes are upon the rising star to be his party's contender for the upcoming presidential race. Until his research assistant/mistress is brutally murdered and buried secrets come tumbling out.

Starring: Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Jason Bateman
Director: Kevin Macdonald
