Rating summary
Movie |  | 4.5 |
Video |  | 5.0 |
Audio |  | 5.0 |
Extras |  | 3.0 |
Overall |  | 4.5 |
Spartacus Blu-ray Movie Review
Reviewed by Martin Liebman June 13, 2020
Universal and Best Buy have collaborated on a store exclusive SteelBook release for Director Stanley Kubrick's legendary 1960 film 'Spartacus.'
The disc and digital content is identical to that found in the 2015 restored wide release, not the inferior 2010 Blu-ray. See the 'Special Features and Extras' section of the review below
for more on the SteelBook's look and feel.

For a full film review, please see Jeffrey Kauffman's writing
here; note that this link points to the 2010 Blu-ray.
Spartacus Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality 

For a full Blu-ray video review, please click here.
Spartacus Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality 

For a full Blu-ray audio review, please click here.
Spartacus Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras 

Universal's SteelBook is of a predominantly red color front and back. It's nicely textured and won't slip around in the hand. It also will not readily
display fingerprints from basic handling. The front image depicts two warriors -- Spartacus and Draba -- locked in battle. Draba, with his back to the
audience, holds a trident in his right hand, raised and ready to strike his foe. His left hand is holding Spartacus' right wrist, attempting to keep away his
sword. The battle looks like it's forever frozen in time in bronze. The film's title appears in the top quarter portion in the familiar Spartacus
type in white. The text "A Stanley Kubrick Film" appear smaller, above. The rear panel depicts an eagle perched atop a decorative pillar. A Universal logo
legalese appear in fine print center bottom and a model number may be seen on the bottom right. The red spine holds the title in the same color and
from the front, center. A Blu-ray disc logo has been placed at the top and a Universal studio logo at the bottom.
Inside, the digital copy code is tucked underneath the left-hand-side tabs. The single Blu-ray disc is situated on the right in
a center hub. The inner print is a two-panel spread that features a black-and-white battle scene depicting Kirk Douglas as Spartacus on the left in the
midst of a chaotic confrontation. He's focused on striking an opponent, looking towards the left, grasping a two-handed weapon. Out-of-focus battle
appear behind him and to his right.
For a breakdown of included supplemental content, please click here.
Spartacus Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation 

The Blu-ray presentation is excellent and the SteelBook is quite attractive, too. Do note that the film is set to be released on the UHD format in July 2020, also to include a SteelBook packaging variant. Both of those will most assuredly include this
Blu-ray in addition to the UHD. Smart to hold out for that one unless one is a Spartacus collector and/or completist.