Slithis Blu-ray Movie United States

Spawn of the Slithis / SOLD OUT
Code Red | 1978 | 87 min | Rated PG | Nov 09, 2017

Slithis (Blu-ray Movie)


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Slithis (1978)

Finally, nature unleashes its revenge! From the pollution of our nuclear waste came the killer we couldn't destroy. Our worst nightmares come to life with the terrifying, scaly monster—Slithis! First, this nuclear mutant killed household pets near the canals of Venice, California. Now it preys on old couples and a homeless rotund man sleeping in the public men's room! Two outcasts, a teacher and a Jamaican sea hunter, will take on the ugly monster to stop the slaughter! This mud monster creature is something out of those '50s classics we love!

Starring: Alan Blanchard, Judy Motulsky, J.C. Claire, Dennis Falt, Mello Alexandria
Director: Stephen Traxler
