Shutter Blu-ray Movie France

Spirits / Version non-censurée
20th Century Fox | 2008 | 90 min | Apr 01, 2009

Shutter (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: €26.74
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Shutter (2008)

For photographer Ben (Joshua Jackson) and his new wife Jane (Rachael Taylor), his new assignment — a lucrative fashion shoot in Tokyo — was supposed to be a kind of working honeymoon. With this exotic professional opportunity and the limitless possibilities of a new marriage, Ben and Jane arrive in Japan. But as they make their way on a mountain road leading to Mt. Fuji, their new life together comes to, literally, a crashing halt. Their car smashes into a woman standing in the middle of the road, who has materialized out of nowhere. Upon regaining consciousness after the accident, Ben and Jane cannot find any trace of the girl Jane believes she hit with the car.

Starring: Joshua Jackson, Rachael Taylor, Megumi Okina, David Denman, John Hensley
Director: Masayuki Ochiai
