Sebastiane Blu-ray Movie United States

Derek Jarman
Kino Lorber | 1976 | 90 min | Not rated | Aug 07, 2012

Sebastiane (Blu-ray Movie)


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Sebastiane (1976)

Filmed entirely in vulgar Latin, this experimental film recounts the life of Sebastiane, a puritanical but beautiful Christian soldier in the Roman Imperial troops who is martyred when he refuses the homosexual advances of his pagan captain. When this film was released, it was the only English-made film to have required English subtitles, and it is an early film by the noted experimental and outspokenly homosexual director Derek Jarman, who died in 1994.

Starring: Richard Warwick, Lindsay Kemp, Leonardo Treviglio, Neil Kennedy (I)
Director: Derek Jarman, Paul Humfress
