Saving Santa Blu-ray Movie France

Sauvons le Père Noël / Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD
Metropolitan | 2013 | 87 min | Nov 17, 2014

Saving Santa (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: €8.48
Third party: €6.90 (Save 19%)
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Saving Santa (2013)

Santa's rival, Nevill Baddington, is informed of the North Pole's location after the hologram device designed to hide it malfunctions during a power cut. As he then hatches a plan to steal Santa's time-travelling sleigh for his own gain, it falls to the loyal and ambitious elf Bernard to save Christmas for good.

Starring: Martin Freeman, Tim Conway, Tim Curry, Ashley Tisdale, Joan Collins
Director: Leon Joosen, Aaron Seelman
