Run for Cover Blu-ray Movie France

A l'ombre des potences
Sidonis Calysta | 1955 | 93 min | Jan 19, 2019

Run for Cover (Blu-ray Movie), temporary cover art


List price: €15.59
Third party: €15.59
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Run for Cover (1955)

Odd little Western that gets off to a snappy start when a man (Matt Dow) is mistaken as a train robber. After the town's sheriff shoots the kid he's riding with, Dow clears his name and ends up as the new sheriff. He romances a Swedish woman and settles in to a peaceful life only to find that the boy has a few secrets of his own.

Starring: James Cagney, Viveca Lindfors, John Derek, Jean Hersholt, Grant Withers
Director: Nicholas Ray
