RoboCop Blu-ray Movie


RoboCop Blu-ray Movie United States

Director's Cut
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer | 1987 | 103 min | Unrated | Oct 09, 2007

RoboCop (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: $11.98
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Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users3.4 of 53.4
Reviewer2.5 of 52.5
Overall2.8 of 52.8


RoboCop (1987)

In the not-too-distant future, a Detroit police officer returns as a powerful cyborg after being dismembered by a gang of thugs.

Starring: Peter Weller, Nancy Allen, Dan O'Herlihy, Ronny Cox, Kurtwood Smith
Director: Paul Verhoeven



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-2
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 1.85:1
    Original aspect ratio: 1.85:1

  • Audio

    English: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
    English: Dolby Digital 4.0 (Original)
    French: Dolby Digital 5.1
    Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1

  • Subtitles

    English SDH, Spanish, Cantonese, Korean

  • Discs

    25GB Blu-ray Disc
    Single disc (1 BD)

  • Playback

    Region A (locked)


Rating summary

Movie4.0 of 54.0
Video1.5 of 51.5
Audio1.5 of 51.5
Extras1.0 of 51.0
Overall2.5 of 52.5

RoboCop Blu-ray Movie Review

Reviewed by Sir Terrence November 7, 2007

Watching Robocop brought back many memories of the 80’s. I was a young twenty one year old just beginning film school when Robocop was released. I remember the religious right screaming about the gratuitous violence in it, and the pleas from congress for Hollywood to curb violence in motion pictures. I saw beyond the violence. I saw corporate exploitation of labor, corporate greed, and also the influence of Marvel comics, and specifically Judge Dredd

Robocop is set in futuristic Detroit where crime has gone amok. Having fallen into financial ruin, the city contracted its police services to a corporate giant, OCP, out of desperation. OCP’s tactic is to raze and rebuild the city, and eradicate crime in Detroit an effort to change the image of the city. OCP decides to use droids (ED-209) which is the brainchild of OCP Vice President Dick Jones (Ronny Cox)) as a replacement to human police officers to squelch the tsunami of crime. ED-209’s disastrous debut results in the death of one of the junior officers on the Board. Another executive Bob Morton (Miguel Ferrer) steps in and offers another alternative to ED-209.

Robocop’s genesis begins when Officer Alex Murphy (Peter Weller) is assigned to the dangerous Metro West precinct. On a routine call, a violent gang lead by Clarence Boddicker (Kurtwood Smith) mortally wounds Murphy. Attempts to revive him in the emergency room fail. Morton’s team obtains the body, and proceeds to build a human cyborg from its remains. “Robocop” is then released on the streets and stops crime in its tracks.

RoboCop Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  1.5 of 5

This Orion Picture production is presented in a 1:85:1 aspect ratio in 1080p. The picture quality is a mixed bag: some scenes look reasonably sharp, and others are marred by excessive film grain. Despite the amount of grain, this is the best I have seen Robocop look in all of its renditions: the 20th anniversary DVD, the Trilogy set issued by MGM, or the excellent laserdisc released by Criterion. The transfer itself is quite sharp. I was able to detect objects not previously seen on the DVD or laserdisc releases, like the detail in Robocop's uniform and headgear. Colors are reasonably saturated, and skin tones ranged from natural, to a little on the pink-reddish side. Blood is vividly red, but occasionally colors became subdued. Some scenes appear too dark obstructing shadow detail, and occasionally blacks look a little muddy. The graininess previously mentioned is most objectionable in dark colors, and could appear more like digital noise than grain. In spite of its flaws, this is the definitive Robocop in terms of picture quality.

RoboCop Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  1.5 of 5

The audio is presented in Dts HD MA lossless, but the original stems are the weakness of this soundtrack. The surrounds are not particularly prominent, however there is the occasional split channel effect that is quite effective. Overall the audio is band limited as compared to the mixes of current, but none the less quite pleasing for an 80's mix. My RTA's show no output below 40hz in the LFE or mains, and not much output above 15khz as well. The sound is occasionally peaky, especially in the dialog that makes it sound a bit unnatural. Gunshots and explosions sound just a bit anemic, lacking body and weight. The score by Basil Poledouris wraps pleasantly into the surrounds creating an enveloping quality. Overall the score fares better than the dialog and sound effects. This is a decent, but not great mix. Also included is an English 4.0 soundtrack, French and Spanish 5.1 soundtrack.

RoboCop Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  1.0 of 5

The only extras offered are a high definition trailer of Robocop, and previews of The Bulletproof Monk, To Live and Die in LA, and the Usual Suspects in HD.

RoboCop Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  2.5 of 5

I really enjoyed watching Robocop. While the violence was gratuitus, there was a point to it all. I found the picture quality fairly good, and could easily look past the warts and enjoy the movie. While the sound was band limited, it still bought me into the movie. If you have enjoyed Robocop in the past, you will love this present incarnation.