Revenge of the Cheerleaders Blu-ray Movie United States

Caught with their Pants Down / Limited to 1000 Copies
Code Red | 1976 | 88 min | Rated R | Oct 27, 2014

Revenge of the Cheerleaders (Blu-ray Movie)


Movie rating

 / 10

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Overall0.0 of 50.0

Revenge of the Cheerleaders (1976)

The tale of the Aloha Cheerleaders' struggle against Lincoln high. High points include such events as the Aloha girls raiding a Lincoln classroom to get drugs, then putting aforementioned drugs in the cafeteria food while the state school inspectors are present. Worth the rental price just so if you ever meet David Hasselhoff, you can say "Hey, I loved your work as Boner!"

Starring: Cheryl Smith (I), Eddra Gale, Lillian McBride, David Hasselhoff, Carl Ballantine
Director: Richard Lerner (II)
