Penny Dreadful: The Final Season Blu-ray Movie


Penny Dreadful: The Final Season Blu-ray Movie United States

Paramount Pictures | 2016 | 480 min | Rated TV-MA | Oct 04, 2016

Penny Dreadful: The Final Season (Blu-ray Movie)


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Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users0.0 of 50.0
Reviewer3.5 of 53.5
Overall3.5 of 53.5


Penny Dreadful: The Final Season (2016)

In Victorian London, figures such as explorer Sir Malcolm Murray, American gunslinger Ethan Chandler, enigmatic medium Vanessa Ives, and others combat supernatural forces. Murray is searching for his adult daughter, now a vampire, and hopes to cure her.

Starring: Timothy Dalton, Eva Green, Josh Hartnett, Rory Kinnear, Billie Piper
Director: James Hawes, Brian Kirk (III), Paco Cabezas, J.A. Bayona, Coky Giedroyc



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
    Original aspect ratio: 1.78:1

  • Audio

    English: Dolby Atmos
    English: Dolby TrueHD 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)

  • Subtitles

    English SDH

  • Discs

    Blu-ray Disc
    Three-disc set (3 BDs)

  • Playback

    Region A (locked)


Rating summary

Movie4.0 of 54.0
Video4.5 of 54.5
Audio4.0 of 54.0
Extras1.5 of 51.5
Overall3.5 of 53.5

Penny Dreadful: The Final Season Blu-ray Movie Review

We'll Always Have Three.

Reviewed by Martin Liebman October 3, 2016

For every grossly inferior show that seems to have an infinite lifespan, there's another great show that was lost well before its time. Firefly is probably the most notable victim of an untimely cancellation. Another that was taken too early is Penny Dreadful, ending at three seasons and only 27 episodes, far too short an existence but, at least, a show that seemed to come to an end on its own terms. Series Creator John Logan signed off on the end of the season and the series, putting it to rest with the understanding that it had run its full, logical course (warning: spoilers appear in the linked article). Season three of Penny Dreadful may bring the story to a close, but it's been so much fun it's nevertheless a shame to see it end at what amounts to, really, only a season-plus worth of entertainment compared to many lesser shows on the market, like The Vampire Diaries. That said, season three is arguably the best of the trio, introducing several great new characters and dynamics that push it forward towards an early end but that delivers some of the finer hours of television from the past few years. Newcomers should definitely start back at the beginning with seasons one and two.

Official synopsis: What if the only way to battle our demons is to surrender to them? Welcome to the darkest and most thrilling season of 'Penny Dreadful' yet. Confronting new horrors in dangerous new lands, Ethan Chandler, Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, Sir Malcolm, The Creature and the ravishing but deadly Lilly must each face -- and embrace -- their own most truly monstrous selves. But for the beautiful and tortured Vanessa Ives, accepting her demons could exact a terrible cost and plunge the world into unending darkness.

Season three isn't content to just keep up appearances and maintain the status quo. While it certainly maintains the rhythm and driving force factors from last season, season three introduces some interesting dynamics and great new characters -- Sweet, Jekyll, Catriona, Kaetenay -- who give the show plenty more punch without alienating its established core. The new and old blend seamlessly, heightening intrigue, suspense, and character progression on several critical fronts. The Malcolm-Kaetenay relationship may be the season's single most interesting new dynamic, but the introduction of Sweet -- and the revelation of his true identity and it's driving force in the season -- is its most impactful. The story's growth and the characters' extensions through it are well constructed and thoroughly thought through. Cast chemistry is terrific, performances are better than ever, and the show is exceedingly well paced to the point that nine episodes, and nearly nine hours, feels far less.

The Creature remains the most fascinating character on the show, thanks largely to the foundation established in Shelly's original work that made him one of the most important, influential, and complex characters in literary history. The transition into Penny Dreadful was, and remains, exceedingly smart, paralleling the book's core ideas and themes but introducing some logical explorations and expansions that ultimately yield many of the season's most impactful moments. Rory Kinnear is fantastic in the part, as is the entire cast in their parts. Aided by the show's expert manipulation of atmosphere and rich storytelling that's novel but familiar, Penny Dreadful blitzes audiences with a stunning, complete package that has many more positives than it does negatives throughout and particularly in a third season that's the most involved, creative, and sprawling yet intimate yet.

The following episodes comprise season three. Summaries are courtesy of the Blu-ray packaging.

Disc One:

  • The Day Tennyson Died: Feeling abandoned and alienated by her faith, a shattered and despondent Vanessa seeks the help of Dr. Seward, an American therapist who has an unconventional way of treatment. Meanwhile, now a prisoner under the watchful eye of Scotland Yard Inspector Rusk, Ethan Chandler is on a train speeding through the desert of the American West. Halfway around the world, in Zanzibar, Sir Malcolm is confronted by a mysterious Native American man named Kaetenay who shares a deep connection with Ethan. Back in London, Dr. Frankenstein seeks out his old friend Dr. Jekyll. With all her friends scattered around the world facing their own demons, Vanessa is left alone to battle a new evil that has emerged from the shadows.
  • Predators Far and Near: Lilly and Dorian, rescue a young woman. Sir Malcolm continues on his journey with the enigmatic Kaetenay. Meanwhile, Ethan gets some unexpected help from Hecate. Dr. Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll hatch a plan. Vanessa's relationship with Dr. Sweet grows but, unbeknownst to her, evil forces are tracking her every move.
  • Good and Evil Braided Be: Ethan reluctantly joins forces with Hecate as they race across the desert. Sir Malcolm and Kaetenay are hot on his trail. The Creature returns to London desperately trying to put the pieces of his former life back together. After Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Frankenstein's plan fails, they come up with a new strategy. To their delight, Lilly and Dorian's young acolyte, Justine, demonstrate useful skills. Vanessa is confronted by a familiar, who reveals a clue to her past.
Disc Two:

  • A Blade of Grass: After receiving a clue about a past experience, Vanessa convinces Dr. Seward to use a new form of therapy, hypnosis, to take her back in time.
  • This World is Our Hell: Hecate and Ethan struggle to survive the harsh wasteland of the New Mexico desert. Kaetenay reveals to Sir Malcolm the truth behind his connection to Ethan. Back in London, Frankenstein's addition to Jekyll's formula is a success.
  • No Beast So Fierce: Vanessa turns to her old friend Ferdinand Lyle for help. Lyle introduces her to Catriona Hartdegen, a new ally. Lilly, Dorian and Justine put their plan in motion. Ethan, Sir Malcolm and Hecate arrive at Jarrod Talbot's ranch.
Disc Three:

  • Ebb Tide: Kaetenay has a vision of impending doom. Frankenstein and Jekyll get help from an unlikely foe. The Creature finally gains courage. With the help of Catriona, Vanessa learns an awful truth.
  • Perpetual Night: Ethan, Sir Malcolm and Kaetenay return to London. Dr. Seward discovers Renfield's secret. Ethan heads out in search of Dr. Frankenstein. Lilly reveals a heartbreaking story from Brona Croft's past.
  • The Blessed Dark: Ethan learns the shocking truth about Kaetenay. Dr. Seward uses hypnosis on Renfield. The Creature must make a moral decision that could affect his relationship. Sir Malcolm, Ethan, Kaetenay, Dr. Seward and Catriona battle to save Vanessa.

Penny Dreadful: The Final Season Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  4.5 of 5

Penny Dreadful's third and final season arrives on Blu-ray with an upper-tier 1080p transfer that offers a healthy improvement over a good, but hardly notable, second season presentation. Generally, the season maintains the series' rather bleak gray- and black-dominant color scheme, with the hotter and brighter New Mexico territory locations -- exteriors in particular -- offering a nice contrast and reprieve from the series' standard stylings. Details are very nice, with intimate facial features appearing refined and complex, revealing fine pores and makeup with ease. Even The Creature's pale flesh is rich with life, and the various scars and layers present with a tangible sense of depth and clarity. City exteriors, as bleak and grimy as they may be, find plenty of enticing texturing on bricks, storefronts, stands, pedestrians, and other little details that bring every frame to vivid life. Colors, of course, rarely veer from that cold, dreary theme, with splashes of more robust shades often favoring a less than vibrant presentation, again save for the Old West sequences. Back levels impress in depth and detail, while flesh tones maintain a mild paleness in line with the series norm. Mild banding and noise are apparent but rarely problematic. This is a very good all-around Blu-ray presentation.

Penny Dreadful: The Final Season Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  4.0 of 5

Penny Dreadful's third season earns a Dolby Atmos soundtrack, which makes for a decided technical and presentation upgrade over the first two seasons' Dolby TrueHD 5.1 offerings. The show isn't one to make steady, noticeable use of the Atmos setup. Like the Atmos monicker implies, atmospheric support is the most often utilized for the added top end position. Cold, blustery winds chillingly blow through the stage with a helping hand up top. A train rattles and sways with a more convincing full-sensory presentation in the New Mexico territory. Small details like that are the beneficiaries of the mostly subtle Atmos effect. The remainder of the track features a nice uptick in quality from last season. Music is more engaged and fluid, playing with firmer clarity and wider positioning. Bass is nicely pronounced, supportive to music and clocking in with added power when necessary. Gunfire and other action-oriented crashes, etc. present with appreciably lifelike weight and rhythm. A few positive directional effects swoop through the stage, and precise imaging helps establish various moments and happenings. Mild support ambience enhances basic scenes, like those out in the bustling city or deep in dusty New Mexico Territory exteriors. Dialogue is firmly planted in the center, well prioritized, and plays with lifelike clarity.

Penny Dreadful: The Final Season Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  1.5 of 5

Unlike season two, Penny Dreadful's third season Blu-ray release contains (short) extras scattered across all three discs. Each one annoyingly begins with a forced acceptance of a "spoiler alert" tagging. No DVD or digital versions of the show are included.

Disc One:

  • Hecate's Witch Prosthetics (1080p, 2:44): A look at the witches in season three, followed by a quick guide through the process of applying the makeup and prosthetics.
  • The Making of Dr. Jekyll's Lab (1080p, 2:27): Production Designer Jonathan McKinstry and Set Decorator Philip Murphy offer not just a look at the set, but discuss why it fits the character and the show so well.
Disc Two:

  • Character Profiles (1080p): Rapid-fire discussions of where the characters have been and where they're headed in season three. Included are: Ethan Chandler (2:02), Sir Malcolm & Kaetenay (1:57), Dr. Sweet (2:02), Dr. Seward & Renfield (2:07), The Creature (1:32), Dr. Victor Frankenstein & Dr. Jekyll (1:32), Dorian, Lily & Justine (1:47), and Catriona Hartdegen (1:32).
Disc Three:

  • Vanessa's Costumes (1080p, 2:44): As the title suggests, this piece briefly examines Vanessa's wardrobe throughout the series. The piece is predominantly in Italian with English subtitles.
  • The Dead Zoo (1080p, 2:44): Actor Samuel Barnett, who plays Renfield, all-too-briefly tours Dublin's Natural History Museum, which serves as a critical location in the show. The piece also explores some additions to the location created specifically for the show.

Penny Dreadful: The Final Season Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  3.5 of 5

Penny Dreadful ended all too early, but it ended on a high note. Season three is fantastic television, building on established story and lore while adding some interesting new pieces and dynamics to the mix. Production design and performances are as strong as ever. The Blu-ray release is good too, featuring high end 1080p video and enjoyable Atmos audio. The supplements are extremely thin, but what's here is interesting enough. Recommended, along with seasons one and two.