Paul Blart: Mall Cop Blu-ray Movie France

Paul Blart: Super Vigile
Sony Pictures | 2009 | 91 min | Rated PG | Jul 22, 2009

Paul Blart: Mall Cop (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: €10.02
Third party: €62.95
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Paul Blart: Mall Cop (2009)

A single, suburban dad tries to make ends meet as a security officer at a New Jersey mall. It's a job he takes very seriously, though no one else does. When Santa's helpers at the mall stage a coup, shutting down the megaplex and taking hostages (Paul's daughter and sweetheart among them), Jersey's most formidable mall cop will have to become a real cop to save the day.

Starring: Kevin James, Keir O'Donnell, Jayma Mays, Raini Rodriguez, Shirley Knight (I)
Director: Steve Carr
