Outpost: Rise Of The Spetsnaz Blu-ray Movie Canada

Mongrel Media | 2013 | 87 min | Rated CA: R | Mar 18, 2014

Outpost: Rise Of The Spetsnaz (Blu-ray Movie)


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Outpost: Rise Of The Spetsnaz (2013)

The third instalment in the popular Nazi zombie saga restores the series to its WW2 origins and introduces a new hero in Dolokhov (Brian Larkin), a member of Russia's elite special forces. His strength and survival skills are sorely put to the test when he is captured by the Germans and taken to an underground bunker, where the most horrifying experiments are under way.

Starring: Bryan Larkin (II), Michael McKell, Ivan Kamarás, Velibor Topic, Ben Lambert
Director: Kieran Parker (III)
