Operation Condor 2 Blu-ray Movie


Operation Condor 2 Blu-ray Movie United States

The Armour of God / Lung hing foo dai
Echo Bridge Entertainment | 1986 | 88 min | Rated R | Apr 17, 2012

Operation Condor 2 (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: $19.99
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Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users0.0 of 50.0
Reviewer2.5 of 52.5
Overall2.5 of 52.5


Operation Condor 2 (1986)

Hard-hitting fortune hunter Jack's ex-girlfriend is kidnapped and held for ransom by an evil cult. Then, things really kick into high gear when her fiance, an old friend of Jack's, turns to him for help in finding and delivering the kidnapper's lone demand: the priceless Armour of God.

Starring: Jackie Chan, Rosamund Kwan, Aldo Sambrell, Eva Cobo, Alan Tam
Director: Jackie Chan



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
    Original aspect ratio: 1.85:1

  • Audio

    English: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0

  • Subtitles


  • Discs

    25GB Blu-ray Disc
    Single disc (1 BD)

  • Playback

    Region free 


Rating summary

Movie3.5 of 53.5
Video3.5 of 53.5
Audio2.5 of 52.5
Extras0.0 of 50.0
Overall2.5 of 52.5

Operation Condor 2 Blu-ray Movie Review

Jackie being Jackie.

Reviewed by Martin Liebman May 4, 2012

You'll surely die.

This isn't to say that Jackie Chan isn't a nice looking man or anything of the sort, but the fact is that many -- if not most -- of the faces that appear on cinema screens make it to the top of the Hollywood pile because of their looks, not for any unique talents they bring to the table. Certainly a few of them are very capable actors who also happen to be gorgeous ladies or handsome men. Some of them have an uncanny knack for making people laugh, others still offer the perfect Action movie physique, or maybe there's some other legitimate characteristic beyond mere appearance that's brought them success in the film industry. But if there's one actor who can truly say that he's become a massive sensation because of a skill set rather than simply looks, it's Jackie Chan. Jackie's become one of the most celebrated and beloved entertainers of this era because of his remarkable agility and ability to perform complex physical stunts. He's the perfect Action star, a human highlight reel if ever there was one, and combine his charming personality with his unique physical gifts and, sure, he's a nice-looking fellow, and suddenly all the pieces are in place for one of history's biggest movie stars.


Jackie (Chan), also known as "The Asian Hawk," was once a member of a prominent pop band along with best friend Alan (Alan Tam) and would-be girlfriend Lorelei (Rosamund Kwan). But Alan wasn't thrilled with the prospect of Jackie landing Lorelei for himself, so out the door went Jackie and into Lorelei's heart went Alan. Jackie's since been off adventuring, getting himself into and out of sticky situations against impossible odds and with unimaginable prizes at stake, but he's about to face his toughest challenge yet. A secret criminal bossman wants to complete his collection of godly armor. Legend has it that the man who possesses the entire set may wield great power, and he'll do anything to get his hands on the last pieces. He's ordered Lorelei's kidnapping, hoping to use her for leverage to retrieve the remaining pieces of armor from the man who possesses them and the man who cares enough for Lorelei to make the exchange: Jackie. With the help of a young woman named May (Lola Forner) whose father also possesses pieces of the armor, the three set out on a quest to rescue Lorelei and prevent a madman from gaining the ultimate power of the armor of God.

Operation Condor 2 is typical Chan. In truth, little more need be said. Fans of his style will love the movie, and those viewers familiar with his on-screen antics will know exactly what to expect. The Action superstar again uses his physical gifts to entertain. The picture is built around Chan's agility and ability to use his body and his environment to tremendous action advantage and entertaining effect. He slides, jumps, tiptoes, punches, kicks, flips, and performs all sorts of death-, gravity-, and odds-defying stunts. It's all very well choreographed and looks and feels very natural, even as the feats come in rapid-fire superhuman form. The result is a movie that's exciting, heart-pumping, and very watchable. This is a rare case where mere visuals are reason enough to watch; to be sure the plot is certainly not remarkable -- to say nothing of the secondary elements -- but Chan's persona and physical attributes rightly dominate the picture and elevate it beyond mere throwaway moviemaking and mold it into a real treat for the eyes.

But with Operation Condor 2, Jackie Chan's on-screen performance is only the beginning. The actor also works the other side of the camera, directing the picture and doing so with surprising skill and know-how. It should really come as no surprise that Chan's a capable Martial Arts film director. After all, who better to really know how to put together a film of this sort than the man who makes it happen out on stage? Chan knows his physical gifts; his unique style; his capabilities; and yes, even his limitations better than anyone one the planet, so it seems only proper and natural to allow him to stage the entire thing. His direction accentuates the action and tightens the story, and even if the plot isn't at all spectacular, Chan makes it passably interesting and smartly moves rather quickly in between action scenes, ensuring a good flow and little downtime, just enough for the audience's collective heartbeat to settle back down only to be sparked back up into high gear the next time the star is swinging and jumping and ducking and doing whatever else he does through the course of the picture. Certainly, however, the movie struggles in areas; the characters are flat and overdone, particularly the villains; Chan himself never really sound capable of delivering his lines with better than a robotic cadence; and the dubbing for English-speaking audiences sounds goofy but at least adds a charm. But the movie just works in spirit and style alone. Operation Condor 2 represents all that's good about cinema on a very base level. It's entertaining and it shows audiences the kinds of things they rarely, if ever, see outside of the movie house. If that's not the definition of spectacle entertainment, then what is?

Operation Condor 2 Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  3.5 of 5

Operation Condor 2's 1080p Blu-ray transfer won't dazzle any but the newest of high definition audiences, but this is nevertheless a serviceable transfer from Echo Bridge. Though the image may appear slightly fuzzy and washed out in spots, it's generally sharp and nicely detailed. Film grain accentuates and stabilizes. Details impress, whether complex facial and clothing textures, rough stones, or beaten wood planks. Clarity is generally strong, and the image usually stays mostly sharp, allowing even objects distant from the camera to appear rather crisp and true. Colors are not spectacular, but neither are they dull. Vibrant green vegetation is usually the highlight, and balance is suitable whether other bright shades or lesser earthen tones. Black crush is evident at times, but skin tones remain neutral. Light speckling is often cause for concern, but this transfer is relatively free of other blemishes, such as banding and blocking. Operation Condor 2 won't walk away with "catalogue transfer of the year," but fans will appreciate the boost the movie receives on Blu-ray.

Operation Condor 2 Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  2.5 of 5

Operation Condor 2 arrives on Blu-ray with a messy DTS-HD MA 2.0 lossless soundtrack. The presentation suffers from the lesser, confined track, and the absence of surround channels doesn't do the movie any favors. This is definitely this release's weak spot, at least from a technical perspective. The track often sounds mushy, crunchy, and indistinct. Fortunately it never sounds as hollow as the music that plays over the main menu, but neither does this one ever sound quite as rich and clear as it should. Music plays sloppily, with little real clarity, poor definition, and muddled range, but energy and effort both receive high grades. Sound effects also come up lacking. Crashing rocks, zooming cars, and other effects lack sonic distinction. Gunfire never rings out with precision or authority, and landed punches and kicks are met with a dull thud. The low end rattles heavily at about the one-hour mark, and the lack of a tighter bass line hurts the movie. Dialogue is relatively clear and accurate, however. This is a decent presentation; it does the movie no real favors, but it's certainly not a sonic disaster, either.

Operation Condor 2 Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  n/a of 5

Unfortunately, Operation Condor 2 contains no bonus features.

Operation Condor 2 Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  2.5 of 5

Operation Condor 2 excels as a Jackie Chan movie. It would flop badly with anyone else in the lead role and it wouldn't be nearly as exciting with someone else behind the camera. Jackie Chan proves to be a one-man moviemaking machine with this one. He accentuates the pluses and reduces the minuses from behind the camera, all the while showing off like only he can in front of it. Certainly the ancillary elements will leave audiences wanting, but chances are most simply won't care. People watch Jackie Chan movies not for deep plot but for superhuman feats of agility, and Operation Condor 2 delivers. Sadly, the same cannot be said of Echo Bridge's Blu-ray release. Though the video quality is decent, the two-channel lossless soundtrack struggles and no supplements are included. Definitely worth a rental, and for the right price fans should consider a purchase.

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