One False Move Blu-ray Movie United Kingdom

Criterion | 1992 | 106 min | Rated BBFC: 18 | Nov 06, 2023

One False Move (Blu-ray Movie)


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One False Move (1992)

A small-town police chief (Bill Paxton) concealing an explosive secret. A pair of ruthless drug dealers (cowriter Billy Bob Thornton and Michael Beach) who leave a bloody trail in their wake as they make their way from Los Angeles to Arkansas. And an enigmatic woman (Cynda Williams) caught in the middle. The way these desperate lives converge becomes a masterclass in slow-burn tension thanks to the nuanced direction of Carl Franklin, whose haunting film travels a crooked road across America’s most fraught divisions—urban and rural, Black and white—while imbuing noir conventions with a wrenching emotional depth.

Starring: Bill Paxton, Cynda Williams, Billy Bob Thornton, Michael Beach, Jim Metzler
Director: Carl Franklin
