Mona Lisa Smile Blu-ray Movie United States

Sony Pictures | 2003 | 119 min | Rated PG-13 | Feb 02, 2010

Mona Lisa Smile (Blu-ray Movie)


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Mona Lisa Smile (2003)

In 1953, a time when women's roles were rigidly defined, free-spirited, novice art history professor Katherine Ann Watson (Julia Roberts) begins teaching at the prestigious all-female Wellesley College--which despite its academic reputation, is an environment where success is measured by 'how well' the students marry. Encouraging these women to strive for a more enlightened future, Watson challenges the administration and inspires her students to look beyond the image of what is, and consider the possibilities of what could be--contrary to popular belief.

Starring: Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, Julia Stiles, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Juliet Stevenson
Director: Mike Newell
