Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene Blu-ray Movie


Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene Blu-ray Movie United States

Forbidden Fruit: The Golden Age of the Exploitation Picture, Vol. 1
Kino Lorber | 1945 | 97 min | Not rated | Feb 25, 2020

Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene (Blu-ray Movie)


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Buy Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene on Blu-ray Movie

Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users0.0 of 50.0
Reviewer3.5 of 53.5
Overall3.5 of 53.5


Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene (1945)

When a high school girl gets pregnant and the boyfriend dies, the sex-ed teacher shows her a film about childbirth and the dangers of venereal disease.

Starring: June Carlson, Lois Austin, George Eldredge, Jimmy Clark, Hardie Albright
Director: William Beaudine



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 1.37:1
    Original aspect ratio: 1.37:1

  • Audio

    English: LPCM Mono

  • Subtitles


  • Discs

    Blu-ray Disc
    Single disc (1 BD)

  • Playback

    Region free 


Rating summary

Movie4.0 of 54.0
Video3.0 of 53.0
Audio2.5 of 52.5
Extras4.0 of 54.0
Overall3.5 of 53.5

Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene Blu-ray Movie Review

One of the most talked about films ever made arrives on Blu-ray

Reviewed by Neil Lumbard August 1, 2020

Considered the most successful sex hygiene film ever produced, Mom and Dad was a massive box office hit which later became re- branded as an exploitation film and is often viewed as an entry in the genre. The film was preserved by the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress. Produced by Kroger Babb (Secrets of Beauty) and J.S. Jossey (The Lawton Story), Mom and Dad explores the results of sexual promiscuity and the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases.

Joan Blake (June Carlson) is a young teenage high school girl who becomes intertwined in a romance with the smooth Jack Griffith (Bob Lowell). The pair become romantically involved and it isn't long before sex is on the table. As their romance grows, so does a baby inside. Joan is pregnant. And the future isn't looking so bright once her lover passes on... whatever can Joan do?

As the narrative is concluded, the film becomes a lecture on sexual hygiene and the dangers of pre-marital sex. Mom and Dad showcases footage demonstrating how the female anatomy works: including shocking footage of a cesarean section and graphic imagery of the effects of syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases. The footage is intense and led to the film being banned by the New York censor board for 10 years.

"What's for dinner?"

Mom and Dad is significant in the history of the exploitation genre. Though viewed with modern sensibilities, it is easy to see the roots of the filmmaking were not necessarily as entwined with the genre as it was re-purposed. The film is attempting to showcase some of the unwanted side-effects of unsafe sex and it was eye-opening at release. The film was hotly debated and remains something that could cause conversations to this very day.

Based on the original story by Mildred Horn, the screenplay was penned by Mildred Horn (Secrets of Beauty) and Kroger Babb (Walk the Walk). The storyline is a bit melodramatic and seems a touch off given our modern times. Even so, Mom and Dad aims to educate young viewers about some of the potential side effects of sexual relationships, and even if the film is rather dated one could still see classrooms showing the film for educational purposes and for group discussions.

Directed by William Beaudine (Follow the Leader, Duke of the Navy), Mom and Dad is a drama first and foremost during the bulk of the presentation. Edited by Richard C. Currier (There's a Girl in My Heart, Call of the Jungle) and Lloyd Friedgen (Forbidden Women, Nightmare in Red China), the topical film turns towards sex-ed lecture in the final act. The footage might shock viewers (even modern audiences) with the graphic child-birth. Mom and Dad is fascinating for both its educational and exploitation roots.

Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  3.0 of 5

Arriving on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber, Forbidden Fruit: The Golden Age of the Exploitation Picture: Volume 1 – Mom and Dad features a 1080p MPEG-4 AVC encoded high definition presentation in the original theatrical aspect ratio of 1.37:1 full frame. Utilizing a 4K restoration of 35mm archival film elements, the presentation has some notable qualities: the image is quite sharp given the age of the footage and there is a good amount of detail which is preserved in the image. These elements are undoubtedly thanks to the 4K scanning. Black levels are also reasonable given the age of the film.

Unfortunately, Mom and Dad isn't a flawless looking presentation: the image has some problematic elements (such as thin scratches, grain that is unnatural in appearance, and some dust/debris on the print). Though not a perfect master by any means, the decent 4K scan offers a reasonable presentation and is worthwhile. Given that the original negative suffered nitrate decomposition, the release does the best it can with the available elements.

Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  2.5 of 5

The release is presented with a uncompressed PCM audio track that retains the original sound. The audio clarity is a bit disappointing. Though dialogue is easy to understand and follow, the track isn't that crisp and sounds a bit muffled at times. The music also sounds a bit thin and harsh. This is far from being a great audio restoration effort and the end result is certainly underwhelming. Serviceable at best.

Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  4.0 of 5

Audio Commentary by exploitation film historian Eric Schaefer

Mom and Dad radio spots (HD, 17:24) features advertisements produced for on-air radio broadcasts as taken from vinyl records. The advertisements feature information about the film and include comments from youth about their views on the important educational benefits of the material.

Sex Hygiene (HD, 29:07) is a previously classified instructional film produced as a government training film about proper sexual hygiene and the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. The film showcases the effects of STD's as a narrator explains the potential risks to those involved in the U.S. Army.

Sex lectures:

The Story of Bob and Sally (HD, 16:22) is a short feature produced as a educational program about sex and reproductive organs. The feature explores basics about sexual organs and how the human body works: the functions of each body part. The piece explores the female body and its organs as one element of the story.

Not Wanted (The Wrong Rut) (HD, 10:52) is a short film originally produced for sex ed purposes which was then re-purposed as a short accompanying exploitation feature films. The film shows information about one of the potential side effects of sex: an unwanted child. The piece has an exploration of sex hygiene and lecture.

Life and Its Secrecies (HD, 10:54) explores facts about reproduction and the way the human body is capable of conceiving life. The short film explores how the body produces a child and shows actual human birth footage.

Human Wreckage (HD, 7:05) features a discussion about sexually transmitted diseases with a focus on syphilis and gonorrhea The piece explores how the germs work and what happens to the human body.

Book pitches:

Drive-In Theater (HD, 1:12) showcases advertisements promoting the release of a book about men and their bodies, a book on women and their bodies, and a family calculator wheel for "rhythm" info that applies to men and women. The books were available for $1.50 a piece or for $3 one could get a set including both books and the calculator.

Donn Davison (SD, 15:43) features the lecturer discussing the birthing of babies: showing natural birth, cesarean section, and other forms of birth. The film shows the real footage and the host notates that some viewers may pass out from viewing the footage.

Michael and Helga (HD, 3:38) advertises two books: one with a focus on men and one with a focus on women. These short books were available at movie showings for a low price. Exploring the sexuality that is inherit in each gender, the books were advertised as being for both genders: for self education and education on the opposite sex.

Walter Hale (HD, 3:40) features the host of the video discussing nudie magazines and a request for magazines to be printed with risque photographs and for a low price. The sales pitch is a book of explicit photographs of sexy nude women and all for a low price.

Mom and Dad Theatrical Trailer (HD, 1:08)

The release also includes trailers for The Wrong Rut (SD, 2:36) and Street Corner (SD, 2:11).

Mom and Dad / Sex Hygiene Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  3.5 of 5

Though the film was eventually re-branded as an exploitation film, Mom and Dad also has its roots as a film that aimed to educate youth about sexual relationships and what some of the side-effects could be. This production remains an interesting experience and the wealth of supplemental materials help to round out the package. The Blu-ray is worth a look for those interested. Recommended.