Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Blu-ray Movie


Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Blu-ray Movie United States

Limited Edition 3-Disc / Blu-ray + DVD + UV Digital Copy
Paramount Pictures | 2011 | 133 min | Rated PG-13 | Apr 17, 2012

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (Blu-ray Movie), temporary cover art


List price: $11.98
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Buy Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol on Blu-ray Movie

Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users4.8 of 54.8
Reviewer4.5 of 54.5
Overall4.7 of 54.7


Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)

The IMF is shut down when it is implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin, causing Ethan Hunt and his new team to go rogue to clear their organization's name.

Starring: Tom Cruise, Paula Patton, Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner, Michael Nyqvist
Director: Brad Bird



  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 2.40:1
    Original aspect ratio: 2.39:1

  • Audio

    English: Dolby TrueHD 7.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
    French: Dolby Digital 5.1 (640 kbps)
    Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1 (640 kbps)
    Portuguese: Dolby Digital 5.1 (640 kbps)

  • Subtitles

    English, English SDH, French, Portuguese, Spanish

  • Discs

    50GB Blu-ray Disc
    Three-disc set (2 BDs, 1 DVD)
    UV digital copy
    DVD copy

  • Packaging

    Slipcover in original pressing

  • Playback

    Region free 


Rating summary

Movie4.0 of 54.0
Video5.0 of 55.0
Audio5.0 of 55.0
Extras3.5 of 53.5
Overall4.5 of 54.5

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Blu-ray Movie Review

High adventure and incessant thrills translate wonderfully to Blu-ray.

Reviewed by Martin Liebman March 30, 2012

Predict the unthinkable.

There's never a dull moment in the life of IMF agent Ethan Hunt. With more death-defying, hard-hitting, every-millisecond-counts action-per-adventure to his name than James Bond and just as much international intrigue and danger under his belt as Jack Ryan, it's a wonder he's still walking around in one piece, let alone crawling up the sides of buildings, shooting straight, and running just a hair slower than a gazelle. Where most people would probably be at best on the IMF disabled list, maybe in a coma, and at worst six feet under, Ethan Hunt stays in the game, showing that he's either a very skilled and tough freak of nature, or at the very least one lucky hombre. He's back for his fourth filmed adventure in 15 years (granted there's a lot of recuperating time in there), this one falling under the title of Ghost Protocol, and it's a doozy of an Action/Intrigue flick. While it may not have as much raw action as the third film or the excellent storyline, smoothness, and integrity of the first, Ghost Protocol delivers unparalleled thrills, serves up a never- ending buffet of cutting-edge gadgetry that puts Q's best to shame, showcases death-defying action, and works in just enough quick wit to counterbalance the immediacy and danger of the mission, a mission with repercussions so grave that all of Hunt's previously-accepted missions pale in comparison.

All in a day's work for Ethan Hunt.

IMF agent Trevor Hanaway (Josh Holloway) is killed in the line of duty whilst smuggling critical files out of Budapest, files containing nuclear launch codes that are the only thing standing between peace and all-out armageddon. Meanwhile in Russia, IMF agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is freed from prison with the help of agents Carter (Paula Patton) and Dunn (Simon Pegg). His mission: infiltrate the Kremlin, track down an elusive figure known as "Cobalt," retrieve the launch codes, and prevent nuclear holocaust. The infiltration proves successful, but the mission fails when the files cannot be located. The team's safety is jeopardized when an explosion rocks the Kremlin and Hunt's team is blamed. Russian- American tensions escalate to unprecedented heights, the IMF is disavowed by order of the President, and Hunt and his team must go rogue to track down Cobalt and prevent the unthinkable. With no backup, little time, and only a few resources, the team must travel the globe in an effort to save humanity from a madman with his finger on the deadliest trigger of them all and a plan to wipe humanity off the face of the Earth.

Ghost Protocol proves itself to be one of the most enjoyable films to come around in a good long while. Certainly it lacks meaning or purpose in a thematic sense, but few pictures of the escapist/adrenaline rush variety are as expertly-assembled as this. Ghost Protocol serves up some of the most exciting thrills and chills yet, not only of the Mission: Impossible series but through the entire history of the Spy/Thriller/Action canon. The picture is constructed with pure old-fashioned entertainment in mind but delivers plenty of modern twists thrown in to keep the movie feeling fresh and on the edge of excitement. The film defines "spectacle" in every way, whether dabbling in high-tech infiltration or low-tech espionage, whether making use of advanced computer equipment, gadgets that blur the line between the human and the electronic, or showcasing characters taking advantage of good old fashioned shadows and hoods and disguises to collect intelligence or sneak about under cover or out in the open. The movie is every bit what a Mission: Impossible picture should be. Whether the writers have simply pulled the film's technology out of thin air to serve the plot or if it's really somewhere secretly based in some laboratory just doesn't matter. What matters is that the picture supercharges reality and exceeds audience expectations. The technology of this film never ceases to dazzle, whether working as intended or failing miserably, the former leaving audiences breathless and the latter often used to excessively dangerous yet infectiously humorous effect.

That humor is probably as big an asset as the special effects and stunts in making Ghost Protocol a major success. Simon Pegg's role as a wet-behind-the-ears field agent largely defines the film. He's often the audience's eyes and ears, dazzled by what he sees and hears but remaining focused and working with integrity even has he marvels at the action, nearly causes something to go wrong, or participates in his own little way, which is dwarfed by Ethan's work and talents but that's no small accomplishment in his eyes or in the audience's own perception or skill level. The character is chatty but not obnoxiously so. Pegg creates a critical and relatable character in a movie otherwise defined by larger-than-life stunt work, amazing technology, and a devastating global threat. That levity puts the audience at ease, allows them to exhale sometimes even during the film's most breathless moments. Yet the picture remains defined by the impossible stunts and grand special effects. While the technology may be ahead of its time and advanced beyond the other films, Ghost Protocol easily settles into the classic Mission: Impossible comfort zone. The audience knows all will work out for the best in the end, but it's the film's ability to easily paint a picture of daring feats of human agility and churn out scene after scene of unparalleled tension -- whether whisper-quiet or in the middle of a raging sandstorm -- that keeps the audience on- edge. Predicability is the least of the film's worries because it counters that predicability with sufficient danger and a real sense of fear that keeps the movie moving at a breakneck pace, even if deep down the audience knows Ethan won't plummet to his death or otherwise fail to save the day.

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  5.0 of 5

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol features a picture-perfect 1080p Blu-ray transfer. Paramount's new releases are generally unrivaled in terms of absolute quality, and this disc settles in right there amongst the best the format has yet seen. From the brilliance of the studio logos forward, the picture quality impresses in every area. Fine detail mesmerizes at every turn. The transfer's clarity and natural sharpness are unparalleled, whether the image is showing distant vistas or up-tight shots of characters and objects. Facial and clothing details are amazing, revealing every last little line and crease. General detailing of building façades, pavement, even sand proves absolutely stunning. There are a few shots that go soft around the sides, but not enough to detract from the sheer brilliance of the total package. Colors represent the definition of brilliance. They're even and true, whether the brightest hues or the most earthy, unassuming shades. Indeed, bright reds, unassuming grays, and desert sands all sparkle with supreme authenticity. Skin tones are natural, and black levels intricately deep and true. The image is bolstered by a light grain structure that rounds this Blu-ray into proper theatrical form. In short, this is a polished, accurate transfer that truly recreates the cinema experience in the home.

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  5.0 of 5

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol features a stunning and absolutely immersive Dolby TrueHD 7.1 lossless soundtrack. No matter the element, regardless of the situation, and at any point in the movie, this track yields exceptional sound, from the most hushed moments to the most energized actions scenes. The track's ability to precisely place every sound effect and play it with such a natural presence proves just as impressive as the heaviest action sounds. Simple things like the humming of a hard drive in a quiet room; the closed-in audible sensation of a dark and damp sewer above which an alarm blares away; creaking doors; interior rattling of a moving van or train; or even the precision sound of almost absolute silence as Hunt and Dunn use high tech wizardry to infiltrate the Kremlin, their breaths and the slightest leathery creases in their shoes the only things that might betray their presence, all play with beautiful clarity that pulls the audience into the film and steals their breaths with the sounds of near silence. Yet for as superb as these effects may be, and as completely immersive as they are, the track really struts its stuff when it comes time for music and action. The theme music has never sounded so crisp and perfectly defined and spacious as it does here. The classic notes play with such authenticity that the speakers melt away as if it were being performed live. The chaos of action is infinitely entertaining and sonically exacting. Gunshots deliver precise cracking and echoing. Crunching metal, powerful gusting winds, and penetrating lows all give shape and style to the track. Imaging is seamless, directional effects are accurate, and the track constantly makes fine use of all of its channels, whether in the delivery of that action or those most quiet effects. Rounded out by faultless dialogue reproduction, Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol's 7.1 lossless track is amongst the best Blu-ray has to offer.

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  3.5 of 5

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol's Best Buy exclusive release contains all of its supplements on disc two. Disc three contains a DVD copy of the film. UV and downloadable Digital Copies are also available. The supplements are subdivided into several categories, chiefly Mission Accepted, Impossible Missions, and Deleted Scenes. Supplements are available with optional English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese subtitles.

NOTE: only by purchasing this Best Buy exclusive release will viewers find all of the below supplements. The Amazon release contains only one Blu-ray disc and features a condensed collection of extras.

  • Mission Accepted -- Suiting Up in Prague (1080p, 17:58): Director Brad Bird discusses the directorial independence and ability to craft his own style. Tom Cruise speaks on his role as producer, Brad Bird's work, and performing his own stunts. J.J. Abrams also shares his thoughts on producing the film. Additional cast and crew also comment on the film and their roles in it. Also examined is the history of shooting locales, using Prague locales to duplicate the Kremlin, creating an authentic feel, inspirations, and more. The piece features plenty of raw footage from the set that does a fine job of transporting viewers to the shoot, showing highlights from the day-by-day process.
  • Mission Accepted -- Heating Up in Dubai (1080p, 17:36): This piece looks at the beauty of the city, the benefits and challenges of shooting at The Burj Khalifa, ensuring authenticity in the death-defying scenes shot there, the difficulties of the stunts, filming high up, and shooting in large format.
  • Mission Accepted -- Vancouver Fisticuffs (1080p, 12:01): Shooting various scenes around Vancouver, including the complex finale. The pice also examines the complexity of the entire film, Brad Bird's work, and more.
  • Impossible Missions -- The Russian Prison (1080p, 11:49): Shooting in an abandoned Czech prison to make the early prison escape sequence. Also examined is Brad Bird's transition from animation to live action, the work of nearly 200 extras for the sequence, and the rigors of the shoot.
  • Impossible Missions -- Shooting in IMAX (1080p, 3:33): As the title suggests, this piece looks at the process, added challenges, and benefits of shooting large format.
  • Impossible Missions -- Art Department (1080p, 2:56): A short but close look of transforming Prague into Russia and the importance of authenticity.
  • Impossible Missions -- A Roll of Film (1080p, 2:33): Post-Production Coordinator Robby Stambler discusses what happens to a roll of film after shooting. Also discussed is the role of dailies and the telecine process.
  • Impossible Missions -- Life Masks (1080p, 1:40): Making a "stone representation" of an actor.
  • Impossible Missions -- Stepping Into the Storm (1080p, 2:02): A test run for the making of the sand storm sequence.
  • Impossible Missions -- The Sandstorm (1080p, 3:06): A raw look at the two-week process of creating this critical scene that runs for 5:43. Filmed partly in Vancouver and partly in Dubai
  • Impossible Missions -- Dubai Car Crash (1080p, 8:15): A thorough look at the process of creating a car crash shot, including test footage, safety precautions, the physics and math of the stunt, stunts that didn't perform as planned, and successfully capturing the final shot.
  • Impossible Missions -- Lens on the Burj (1080p, 0:57): Another brief look at the challenging Burj Khalifa shoot.
  • Impossible Missions -- Props (1080p, 3:07): Numerous real and fake briefcases, guns, gloves, knives, and the mask-making machine.
  • Impossible Missions -- Composer (1080p, 10:42): A close-up look at the work of Composer Michael Giacchino.
  • Deleted Scenes (1080p, 15:02): Alternate Opening: Hendricks Practices His Speech, Mission on the Train, Confusion in the Van, Benji Almost Caught in the Kremlin, Hendricks and Leonid in the Hangar, Arrival at the Burj -- Original Version, Ethan and Jane in the Jet, and Wistrom and Chips. With Optional Brad Bird commentary.
  • Trailers (1080p): Theatrical Trailer 1 (1080p, 2:24) and Theatrical Trailer 2 (1080p, 2:30).

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  4.5 of 5

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, quite simply, delivers the goods. Director Brad Bird's picture enjoys unending thrills, polished action, a fast pace, a clever story, and the perfect little infusion of humor. It's wonderfully cast -- Tom Cruise still does his thing with incredible skill and stamina -- and every single facet of the production is nothing less than first-class. Never is the film dumbed down, never does it cut any corners. It's well worth the price of a ticket -- or a Blu-ray disc -- and enjoys high replay value. Ghost Protocol does the Mission: Impossible franchise and the good name of big budget Action flicks proud. Paramount's Blu-ray release of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol outclasses even the movie. Perfect video and audio and an entire second disc's worth of extras make this a must-own package and one of the best releases of 2012 to date. Remember, this is the set with all of the extras. It's not at all convenient that fans cannot buy this version through Amazon, but those interested in the full slate of extras have no choice. Very highly recommended.