Mamma Mia! Blu-ray Movie China

Shanghai Epic Music Entertainment | 2008 | 108 min | Aug 10, 2013

Mamma Mia! (Blu-ray Movie), temporary cover art


List price: ¥88.00
Third party: ¥135.00
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Mamma Mia! (2008)

Donna, an independent hotelier in the Greek islands, is preparing for her daughter's wedding with the help of two old friends. Meanwhile Sophie, the spirited bride, has a plan. She secretly invites three men from her mother's past in hope of meeting her real father and having him escort her down the aisle on her big day.

Starring: Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgård, Julie Walters
Director: Phyllida Lloyd
