Kämpfer: Complete Collection (2009-2011)
Waking up transformed into a beautiful girl might be the stuff of some guys’ fantasies, but when the suddenly effeminized Natsuru is informed by a stuffed tiger that he’s now a Kämpfer, a mystical fighter who has to fight other Kämpfers in female form, his life becomes a living nightmare! Putting aside the obvious “plumbing” issues, Natsuru’s best childhood friend turns out to swing the other way and SHE has a crush on his new female body. Not complex enough? Natsuru’s school has separate sections for boys and girls, so he and she are now double enrolled. The rumour-mill has it that he’s dating herself. And there are other Kämpfers attending the school who want to take her out, and he’s not sure which ones mean “on a date” and which ones mean “permanently.” Oh, and did we mention that some Kämpfers use SWORDS and GUNS?! Hormones, fists and other body parts will fly as the daring, new gender-blender defender must become a contender or die.
Anime | 100% |
Foreign | 97% |
Comedy | 34% |
Romance | 29% |
Action | 21% |
Adventure | Insignificant |