Jubal Blu-ray Movie France

L'Homme de nulle part
Sidonis Calysta | 1956 | 100 min | Rated U Tous publics | Mar 23, 2017

Jubal (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: €12.00
Third party: €12.00
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Jubal (1956)

Found grievously injured by rancher Shep Horgan, Jubal Troop, a man whose life has been dogged by bad luck, is offered a job as a cowhand. Soon his obvious abilities earn him Shep's trust and a promotion. This riles former top hand, Pinky, who's been supplanted by the new man. Things are further complicated when Shep's wife Mae, unhappy in her marriage, turns her attention away from Pinky and onto Jubal, whose romantic interests lie elsewhere.

Starring: Glenn Ford, Ernest Borgnine, Rod Steiger, Valerie French, Felicia Farr
Director: Delmer Daves
