Rating summary
Movie |  | 3.5 |
Video |  | 4.5 |
Audio |  | 4.0 |
Extras |  | 2.0 |
Overall |  | 3.0 |
It Blu-ray Movie Review
Reviewed by Martin Liebman September 5, 2019
Warner Brothers and Best Buy have collaborated on a store exclusive SteelBook release for the 1990 TV miniseries adaptation of Stephen King's
Horror novel 'It.' The disc and digital content is identical to that found in the wide release. See the 'Special Features and Extras' section of the review below
for more on the SteelBook's look and feel.

For a full series review, please click
It Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality 

For a full 1080p video review, please click here.
It Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality 

For a full DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 audio video review, please click here.
It Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras 

The glossy, slick, fingerprint-attracting (particularly on the back) SteelBook prominently features Tim Curry as Pennywise the Clown on the front cover,
a headshot in full makeup with eyes menacingly gazing forward while his head is turned slightly to his right. The white face paint dominates the middle
and the red hair the upper periphery. The film's title appears in large blood-red letters top-center. The rear side is almost entirely glossy black. In the
middle is a color image of Pennywise center, facing forward and visible from the chest up. Again the white face paint and red hair dominate. The spine
a glossy black color with "Stephen King's It" printed on the side; the author's name is in white and the title is in red. A Warner Brothers logo appears at
the bottom.
Inside, the digital copy code is tucked underneath the left-hand-side tabs. The lone Blu-ray disc, which is predominately red in color, is situated on the
right in a central hub. The inner print is a two-panel spread that features "The Lucky Seven" as youths on the left and several of its adult membership
on the right. Both images do not fill the entire panel; they are smaller rectangles surrounded by black at the top and bottom. A billing block appears
under the left-side image.
Humorously, the SteelBook I received from Best Buy wears a sticker on the shrink wrap claiming it's 4K when it is in fact, of course (and
unfortunately), Blu-ray only.
For full coverage of the on-disc supplemental content, please click here.
It Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation 

It's SteelBook is attractive, with a dominant image of Pennywise on the front. The focal point screams on the shelf and the more subdued rear
panel is a nice touch. The inner print is no great shakes but it's a nice juxtaposition of "The Lucky Seven" through time. The on-disc content is good.
Highly recommended.