Imitation of Life Blu-ray Movie United States

Universal Studios | 1934 | 111 min | Not rated | No Release Date

Imitation of Life (Blu-ray Movie), temporary cover art


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 / 10

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Users0.0 of 50.0
Reviewer3.5 of 53.5
Overall3.5 of 53.5

Imitation of Life (1934)

Bea Pullman and her daughter, Jessie, have struggled to make ends meet since Bea's husband died. Delilah Johnson volunteers to work as Bea's housekeeper in exchange for a room for herself and her daughter, Peola. Bea creates a successful business from Delilah's pancake recipe, and the two become wealthy. As the years pass, however, problems appear in their relationships with their daughters. Ashamed of her mother's race (and her own), Peola seeks a new life by passing for white. Bea's love for her daughter is tested when she and Jessie fall for the same man.

Starring: Claudette Colbert, Warren William, Rochelle Hudson, Ned Sparks, Louise Beavers
Director: John M. Stahl
