I, Daniel Blake Blu-ray Movie Netherlands

Cinéart | 2016 | 100 min | Rated NL-AL | Mar 01, 2017



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 / 10

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Reviewer0.0 of 50.0
Overall0.0 of 50.0

I, Daniel Blake (2016)

Daniel Blake is a 59-year-old widowed carpenter who must rely on welfare after a recent heart attack leaves him unable to work. Despite his doctor's diagnosis, British authorities deny Blake's benefits and tell him to return to his job. As Daniel navigates his way through an agonizing appeal process, he begins to develop a strong bond with a destitute, single mother who's struggling to take care of her two children.

Starring: Dave Johns, Hayley Squires, Sharon Percy, Briana Shann, Dylan McKiernan
Director: Ken Loach
