Rating summary
Movie |  | 4.5 |
Video |  | 4.5 |
Audio |  | 5.0 |
Extras |  | 4.0 |
Overall |  | 3.5 |
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray Movie Review
Reviewed by Randy Miller III May 24, 2019
Released alongside the standard Blu-ray and 4K edition, this limited gift set of Universal's How to Train Your Dragon:
The Hidden World is exclusive to Target stores as an in-store purchase only. There are two packaging differences here: the standard Blu-
ray/DVD combo pack is tucked inside an outer box with alternate artwork, and a set of "wearable dragon wings" is also included for the kids. Though
similarly priced alongside the standard Blu-ray, it's an exclusive that's clearly aimed at the younger crowd instead of serious collectors (note the lack
of a 4K option).

Luckily, the movie itself is the main draw and
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is an excellent ending to a great animated
trilogy. I was lucky enough to catch this in theaters with my family; we were late to the franchise but enjoyed the first two parts earlier this year
on Blu-ray. It's a real crowd-pleaser, beautifully animated with fun characters, memorable moments, and lots of heart. In short, it's definitely worth
buying in one form or another.
For an overview of the film, please read my colleague Martin Liebman's reviews of both editions linked above.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality 

For an evaluation of the video presentation, please refer to the standard Blu-ray review.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality 

For an evaluation of the audio presentation, please refer to the standard Blu-ray review.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras 

As there are only two cursory packaging extras exclusive to this release, they are listed below. Not surprisingly, all of the on-disc bonus features
are identical to those found on Universal's standard Blu-ray edition.
- Outer Box - This features a nice alternate cover design based on one of The Hidden World's original posters which,
in my opinion, is more attractive than the standard Blu-ray. Unfortunately, it's a rather thin box that is easily damaged and, since it's about a
half-inch thicker than the Blu-ray keepcase (to accommodate the dragon wings), you're left with an cheap oversized box that's probably not worth
keeping around. Even worse, the Blu-ray keepcase features the standard artwork and does not even include a slipcover.
- Wearable Dragon Wings - Your mileage may vary. These Night Fury "wings" (seen below) are made of thin nylon and
should hold up to light use but may not last through a lot of rough play. They're kid-sized obviously, and seemed to fit my eight-year-old daughter
pretty well (perhaps a bit loose); they stay on securely with sewn-on "armbands" and no Velcro is involved. Unfortunately, the wings show a lot of
wrinkles from being tightly folded in the packaging -- of course, you can't iron them -- and the HTTYD logo in the corner doesn't need to be
there. I can see the appeal of these things, but they just feel like part of your average $20 Halloween costume. Another note: once opened, they
won't fit back in the original packaging...and since they're tough to fold back up, they might just end up in crumpled in a random corner of your kid's
messy room.
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation 

Universal's How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is an excellent end to a great saga, and will be enjoyed by kids and their parents for
years to come. It's well-above-average family entertainment and one of the best kid-friendly trilogies around. Universal's standard Blu-ray and 4K
editions offers outstanding A/V sand a few nice on-disc extras to boot, and there's even a nifty 4K Steelbook and other exclusives floating around. Target's
limited Blu-ray gift set is a passable alternative, though one aimed squarely at the younger crowd: its "wearable dragon wings" should appeal to
single-digit fans, but as a whole the packaging isn't very well thought out. The flimsy outer box -- rendered useless, once you unpack this thing -- is
the only time you'll see the alternate cover art, the included Blu-ray doesn't include a slipcover, and the lack of a 4K option is also disappointing. Not
the most impressive store exclusive (and harder to find, since you can't order it online or via in-store pickup), but potentially worth it for the
right crowd.