Fire and Ice Blu-ray Movie Germany

Limited Edition | Feuer und Eis / Blu-ray + DVD
Capelight Pictures | 1983 | 82 min | Rated FSK-12 | Oct 30, 2009

Fire and Ice (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: €76.77
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Fire and Ice (1983)

It began as a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between two of the greatest icons of the fantasy genre: Controversial animator Ralph Bakshi and legendary illustrator Frank Frazetta. It became – and remains – one of the most startling animation epics of all time. Now experience a world unlike any ever seen, where savage warriors, horrific monsters and luscious maidens battle for the soul of a civilization in a time of good and evil, pleasure and pain, and Fire and Ice.

Starring: Randy Norton, Cynthia Leake, Steve Sandor, Sean Hannon, Leo Gordon
Director: Ralph Bakshi
