Even Money Blu-ray Movie United States

MVD Visual | 2006 | 113 min | Rated R | Apr 14, 2020

Even Money (Blu-ray Movie)


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Even Money (2006)

Gambling: Carolyn, a novelist, is losing her family's savings at the slots; she's befriended by a close-up magician who dreams of making it big. A murdered bookie has the cops focused on Victor, who fronts for the mysterious, never-seen Ivan. Augie and Murph, two other bookies ply their partnership, which is endangered by an offer from Victor to Augie and by Murph's girlfriend's rejection of his violent vocation. A mechanic, in debt to his bookies, asks his basketball-playing brother to shave some points. A paraplegic cop sees all. Will anyone reach their dream? The odds are against it.

Starring: Kim Basinger, Kelsey Grammer, Forest Whitaker, Texas Battle, Nick Cannon
Director: Mark Rydell
