Rating summary
Movie |  | 3.5 |
Video |  | 5.0 |
Audio |  | 5.0 |
Extras |  | 4.0 |
Overall |  | 4.0 |
Dunkirk Blu-ray Movie Review
Reviewed by Martin Liebman September 6, 2020
Warner Brothers and Best Buy have collaborated on a store exclusive SteelBook release for Director Christopher Nolan's epic World War II film
'Dunkirk.' The disc and digital content is identical to that found in the wide release. See the 'Special Features and Extras' section of the review below
for more on the SteelBook's look and feel.

For a full film review, please click
Dunkirk Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality 

For a full Blu-ray video review, please click here.
Dunkirk Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality 

For a full Blu-ray audio review, please click here.
Dunkirk Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras 

For the front cover, the Dunkirk SteelBook simply repurposes one of several of the film's poster variants depicting a soldier running forward,
face looking down as if
ducking from explosions and the debris around him. Towards the top one will find a couple airplanes zooming off the left-hand side. There's some
to some of the embers floating about, primarily along the left and across the bottom. The background proper is mostly smoke and dark with some
blown out skies behind the aforementioned planes. The film's title appears center in the bottom third portion. "A Film by Christopher Nolan" text
appears above. At the very bottom is the text "400,000 men couldn't get home. So home came for them." The rear panel depicts the
Moonstone, one of the civilian boats that is a focus in the film, headed towards several men in bright blue water. Beyond the horizon line one
can see several fires burning, smoke billowing into the sky. An airplane is faintly seen at the top, just left of center. The spine is black with the film's
title center
in the same type and color seen on the front. A Blu-ray logo appears at the top and a Warner Brothers shield has been placed at the bottom.
Inside, the digital copy code is tucked underneath the left-hand-side tabs. The three discs, two Blu-ray and one DVD, are situated on the right and the
left; the left hand side holds a single disc while two appear on the right in
staggered-stacked formation. The inner print is a two-panel spread that features the Moonstone in the water on the left approaching a ship
completely enveloped in flame and smoke. An unobtrusive billing block appears bottom left.
For full coverage of the on-disc supplemental content, please click here.
Dunkirk Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation 

The Dunkirk SteelBook is rather generic. It's a movie poster slapped onto the front while the rear panel and inner print are both fine in
isolation but perhaps too
similar on focus. But the real shame here is the lack of a UHD SteelBook option; maybe someday. As it is, the Blu-ray video and audio presentations are
first-rate and the movie is terrific, too. Highly recommended, and one could easily dump the DVD and place the UHD inside in its spot, albeit with some
added cost.