Delirium Blu-ray Movie United Kingdom

Le foto di Gioia / The Italian Collection #29
88 Films | 1987 | 94 min | Rated BBFC: 18 | Dec 10, 2018

Delirium (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: £13.45
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Delirium (1987)

This spaghetti horror's storyline revolves around a former hooker (Grandi) running a successful men's magazine. An obsessed admirer systematically slaughters her models (occasionally increasing the magazine's output) and supplies the mistress with pictures of their disfigured corpses taken in front of her semi-nude posters visible in the background. Is she going to be the psycho's next victim?

Starring: Serena Grandi, Daria Nicolodi, Vanni Corbellini, David Brandon (II), George Eastman
Director: Lamberto Bava
