Clueless Blu-ray Movie


Clueless Blu-ray Movie United States

Paramount Pictures | 1995 | 97 min | Rated PG-13 | May 01, 2012

Clueless (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: $22.98
Third party: $19.99 (Save 13%)
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Movie rating

 / 10

Blu-ray rating

Users4.2 of 54.2
Reviewer4.0 of 54.0
Overall4.0 of 54.0


Clueless (1995)

A US West Coast teen lifestyle parody centered around Cher, a popular high school girl who spends her days playing match-maker, helping her friends with fashion choices, and looking for a boyfriend.

Starring: Alicia Silverstone, Stacey Dash, Brittany Murphy, Paul Rudd, Donald Faison
Director: Amy Heckerling

Coming of age27%


  • Video

    Video codec: MPEG-4 AVC
    Video resolution: 1080p
    Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
    Original aspect ratio: 1.85:1

  • Audio

    English: DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 (48kHz, 24-bit)
    French: Dolby Digital 2.0
    Spanish: Dolby Digital 2.0
    Portuguese: Dolby Digital 2.0

  • Subtitles

    English, English SDH, French, Portuguese, Spanish

  • Discs

    50GB Blu-ray Disc
    Single disc (1 BD)

  • Packaging

    Slipcover in original pressing

  • Playback

    Region free 


Rating summary

Movie4.5 of 54.5
Video4.0 of 54.0
Audio4.0 of 54.0
Extras3.5 of 53.5
Overall4.0 of 54.0

Clueless Blu-ray Movie Review

I personally believe that most U.S. Americans should buy 'Clueless.'

Reviewed by Martin Liebman April 16, 2012

OK Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Cher Horowitz, guest reviewer for Clueless on Blu-ray!

So like my movie Clueless is totally the bomb, right? OK, so it's not my movie, it's just about me. But anyway, it's everything a movie should be! It's super-fun, ultra-hip, and totally happening! It's got loads of great people, and a few losers with a capital "L," but I mean that's life, right? Not everything or everyone is super-duper cool like me and my friend Dionne. The world totally needs filler, right? So OK, here's the skinny on the movie then. It's finally on Blu-ray, and I'm glad I looked really really good when they made this movie because it's like all sharp and clear and looks really good on this new high def television daddy bought for me! See he's a litigator and all smart and stuff...wait...we'll get to the plot in a minute. OK, so, back to the other stuff. Right. So Clueless is, like, one of the best Comedies of the past few decades, because it takes a totally different look at high school life. It's so not interested in sex and crude humor but it's instead like a real-life look into life! And it's just not any life, it's my life! I mean, even people like me have their days. We fall for the wrong guy, friends come and go, and our grades are like so not where they should be, but Clueless is kind of like a movie about how to survive with a smile on your face and maintaining a rosy outlook even when things are kinda grim! Oh, and some really great designer clothes don't hurt, either.

Color-coordinated gum.

So as I said, I think, I'm Cher, and people say I look a lot like Alicia Sliverstone. Not a bad comp I guess, she was in all of those Aerosmith videos but wasn't she also in that really bad Batman movie too? I mean I guess she's a real looker and the guys all swoon all over her and stuff, but anyway, if someone had to play me, I would pick her. But the actress who plays me in Clueless looks a lot like her too and does a really good job. So like I was saying this is my movie and it shows things pretty much the way they happened. I live with my daddy who's this super smart litigator, which is a kind of lawyer that freaks everyone out. My former stepbrother Josh hangs out around the house and helps out daddy with his legal things. He's really smart, too, but he has no style! But my friend Dionne is totally happening. She might not have my exacting fashion sense, but at our school, she's like one of the coolest girls and she's always on the cutting edge. She's dating this cute guy named Murray who's one of the few acceptable dates at school. Me? I'm not seeing anybody, but there's this new guy named Christian who's totally dreamy. He'll be mine one day, or so I thought he would. Anyway, Clueless tells my story, like about the time I set up Mr. Hall and Miss Geist in an effort to boost my grades. I also have to fend off Elton's advances (as if!) and perform a total life-saving makeover on the new girl in school, Tai. Along the way, I learn all sorts of important lessons about life, love, and driving!

So as I said before, this movie is like totally awesome. I can't get enough of it! It was directed by Amy Heckerling, who if you don't know her you should really go rent her other movies, because they're almost as good as this one! She directed Fast Times at Ridgemont High, European Vacation, and both of those talking baby movies with Bruce Willis and John Travolta. So she clearly knows a thing or two about high school movies and teenagers and love already, so she was so the perfect choice to direct Clueless. Plus, she totally understands the SoCal high school scene. The movie totally gets the culture, the stereotypes, and the different groups of people. I mean it's like she just walked around with a camera filming my life! She didn't, of course, but if she did, the bathroom would be totally off-limits. Duh! I only wish she spent more time shooting scenes at the mall, because that's kind of like my second home. But ultimately the movie is more about who I am and what I learn from my experiences, not just my credit card balance and my really great wardrobe. So the movie is kind of like a glimpse into how things work in my corner of the world, the people I know, and the sort of things I deal with. Not every day is as eventful and dramatic and funny as what you see in the movie, but I mean it would be really really boring if it was just like some blah blah blah documentary showing me just sitting there in class dreaming about Christian and the new line of clothes coming out, right?

Of course the thing that makes this movie work better than anything else is that it basically tells my story. But my life was only the beginning. See, Amy Heckerling also wrote the script, which she originally wanted to be a TV show, which would be cool too, but I'm so glad it became a movie because there's just something sort of magical about the movies and TV just doesn't have the same magic. So the script is right up there as one of the best and most important parts of the movie. All the actors are really good too. They really seem to get it! They're funny and they all look good, even the guy who plays Tai's crush Travis and all that yucky long boy hair. The clothes are pretty much straight out of my closet too! And after all this time, none of it seems really all that dated, except maybe for those clunky cell phones you see us carrying. Yuck! Now my personal wardrobe assistant is always with me on my smart phone, not on that ancient computer that you see in the movie. By the way, I just donated that computer to charity. I mean why shouldn't someone in need have what I don't need? I learned a lot about being nice and sharing and caring about the planet and other people during this time, too, but even though that's like a big part of the movie, it just kind of fits in and doesn't dominate or anything. But if you get anything out of the movie, I hope it's that just because people are really cute and well dressed like me, you'll come to see that I'm not just a mannequin but a real person underneath the designer fashions. I want you all to see the real Cher, and Clueless goes to show that just sort of being yourself isn't a bad thing, as long as you like learn life's lessons and take them to heart. Because at the end of the day, it's fun to roll with the homeys sometimes, but you should always just be yourself and good things will happen! Like finding your special someone like I did when I realized I was really in love with, well, you'll have to watch the movie to find out who I love!

Clueless Blu-ray Movie, Video Quality  4.0 of 5

OK, so Clueless looks really great on Blu-ray. I'm not so sure about this whole grain thing, but I mean it does sort of make it look like a movie theater movie and not a home video movie, so I guess that's good. The movie is like really sharp, though, and I can't believe how great all the details are! You can so see my character's pores, and Christian looks hotter than ever! Clothes are really nicely detailed, too. You can see all the little fuzzies and textures and seams! So anyway, yes, clarity is amazing, and there are really only a few ugly blemishes on the screen. And colors are totally vibrant. It's like a massive Crayola box on my TV! There are lots of yummy yellows, rad reds, and great greens! There are so many bright, brilliant colors in this movie I thought I might go blind, but they're all natural and actually didn't hurt my eyes! It's just really, really colorful. This thing really looks great! Except for when it looks like there's glowing force fields around some objects. What's up with that? Anyway, I'm so glad I got with the times and made daddy buy me that new high definition TV. Beavis and Butt-Head, Ren and Stimpy, and even CNN all look great on it, but Clueless looks even better! As if the movie wasn't good enough, I would recommend this Blu-ray just because it looks so totally great!

Clueless Blu-ray Movie, Audio Quality  4.0 of 5

I'm happy to say that Clueless even sounds good on Blu-ray. Even at the beginning, I was really pleased with how good it sounded. The first music in the movie is like really clear and seems to fill up the entire room! It sounds very even, and the bass was really kicking, too! The big guitar riffs and those scratchy vocals sounded really good. Even the music that plays during that Valley party scene sounds really good. I mean I didn't quite feel like I was there because they somehow lowered the volume so you could hear what we were all saying, but it was pretty good I guess. But what's really cool is that other sounds like come naturally out of the speakers, even if they're minor sounds. A TV playing in the background, rolling waters, even chirping birds all make me feel like I'm in the movie! And in a way I am because it's about me! And best of all, when all the characters speak, I can understand everything being said, and not just because I remember saying those things way back when. Sometimes the words sound just a little shallow like early in the movie when Dionne confronts Murray about the cheap hair extension she found, but that was really the only time it didn't sound great. So anyway, this soundtrack is like totally hip!

Clueless Blu-ray Movie, Special Features and Extras  3.5 of 5

OK, so I'm turning the review back over to Marty for supplements, because I'm like mad because I didn't get to record one of those comment things where I get to comment during the movie. Bummer! Hmmmm! *Pout!* :-(

  • Clue or False Trivia Game (1080p): A pop up "trivia" challenge centered on the world of Clueless. Players are prompted to use the red and green remote buttons to answer questions as either "classic!" (true) or "as if" (false).
  • The Class of '95 (480p, 18:31): A detailed look at casting the film's fabulous ensemble and their performances in the film.
  • Creative Writing (480p, 9:39): This supplement examines the picture's development, its origins as a television show, evolution into a film, the making and success of the project as a feature film, its basis in Jane Austen's Emma, research for the project, initial reaction to the script, Paramount's involvement, the film's success, and more.
  • Fashion 101 (480p, 10:46): As one might expect from the title, a look at the film's costumes and why they were chosen both for the film at large and for each character in particular.
  • Language Arts (480p, 8:09): A piece that educates audiences on the film's slang and its construction of its own vernacular.
  • Suck 'N Blow: A Tutorial (480p, 2:47): How to play the game as seen in the film. With Alicia Silverstone and Jeremy Sisto.
  • Driver's Ed (480p, 3:49): Filming the "driver's ed" scene and the real dangers of driving on the freeway, even when filming a movie.
  • We're History (480p, 8:52): Cast and crew look and the film's legacy, speak on its success, react to their first screening, discuss Amy Heckerling's work, and more.
  • Trailers (1080p): Teaser (1:59) and Theatrical (2:39).

Clueless Blu-ray Movie, Overall Score and Recommendation  4.0 of 5

OK, Cher here again. So by now you should know that I really really love Clueless. It's sort of like the movie that you should watch before Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, which is like what happens when people like me grow up. But these were definitely the good old days. My outfits were really kicking! I had great friends, good times, and I sure did learn a lot about life and love! It's always fun to revisit those days and I am glad other people can share and learn from my experiences. I'm totally excited to report that Clueless really translates well to Blu-ray. The picture and sound are amazing! And while I didn't get to comment on the movie, Marty says the supplements are really cool! But I'm still bummed! Even though I wish I could have commented on the nonexistent comment track, I would so recommend that everyone buy this movie on Blu-ray!