CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: The Complete First Season Blu-ray Movie Italy

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: La Prima Stagione Completa
Dall'Angelo Pictures | 2000-2001 | 983 min | Oct 06, 2009

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: The Complete First Season (Blu-ray Movie)


List price: €12.90

Buy CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: The Complete First Season on Blu-ray Movie

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Overall3.5 of 53.5

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: The Complete First Season (2000-2001)

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is a fast-paced drama about a passionate team of forensic investigators trained to solve crimes the old-fashioned way - by examining the evidence. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is on the case 24-7, scouring the scene, collecting the irrefutable evidence and finding the missing pieces that will solve the mystery.

Starring: George Eads, Eric Szmanda, Robert David Hall, Paul Guilfoyle (II), Jorja Fox
Director: Kenneth Fink, Richard J. Lewis, Alec Smight, Danny Cannon, Brad Tanenbaum
