Black Sabbath Blu-ray Movie United States

AIP Cut | 60th Anniversary
Kino Lorber | 1963 | 92 min | Not rated | Oct 24, 2023

Black Sabbath (Blu-ray Movie)


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Black Sabbath (1963)

A trio of atmospheric horror tales about: A woman terrorized in her apartment by phone calls from an escaped prisoner from her past; a Russian count in the early 1800's who stumbles upon a family in the countryside trying to destroy a particularly vicious line of vampires; and a 1900-era nurse who makes a fateful decision while preparing the corpse of one of her patients - an elderly medium who died during a seance...

Starring: Michèle Mercier, Boris Karloff, Mark Damon, Harriet Medin, Lidia Alfonsi
Director: Mario Bava
