Big Bad Wolves Blu-ray Movie United States

מי מפחד מהזאב הרע / Mi mefakhed mehaze'ev hara
Magnolia Pictures | 2013 | 110 min | Not rated | Apr 22, 2014

Big Bad Wolves (Blu-ray Movie)


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 / 10

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Overall4.5 of 54.5

Big Bad Wolves (2013)

A series of brutal murders puts the lives of three men on a collision course: The father of the latest victim now out for revenge, a vigilante police detective operating outside the boundaries of law, and the main suspect in the killings - a religious studies teacher arrested and released due to a police blunder.

Starring: Lior Ashkenazi, Rotem Keinan, Tzahi Grad, Doval'e Glickman, Menashe Noy
Director: Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado

Dark humorUncertain